Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry: I just spent my last ten dollars in cash on gas and Camel Snuz! I am so saddened at the State of affairs and angry at the psychological warfare being waged against me. I may die in Alabama but not of my own Free Will by shear force of psychological warfare wrought on me the likes I hope no civilian or POW would have to endure. Somehow I feel like that is not likely! I'm physically and psychologically terrorized for some terrible reason Mr. Bodnar and it is taking a toll in my life. Please get me out of Alabama to a free zone and help me be well again and I'll tell this story to you or whomever you choose, but not under verbal assault I beg you Mr. Bodnar! The details should be in writing. I am at Wal-mart hoping I have enough money to buy sugar and please Homeland Security no offense but its not nor ever has been the economy! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley p.s.- I am ready to be moved before I die!

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