Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I've gotta whine & complain a little differently Today!

From his vantage point high above the earth in...Image via Wikipedia


I feel like death nibbling on an old cracker Today! I'm not sure but I can't figure out why?

I have no energy that I can complain about, my eye's are watering, I don't and haven't felt like cutting the grass or even leaving the house in days, I haven't cleaned this damn place in months, I don't feel like it!

I'm not eating right and I'm certainly not in the mood to think about making money which has been my life's passion that I had hoped would turn into something special.

Let's see? I just took a coupple of suda-feds, had 2 cups of coffee, slept no I went to bed at 7 or 8 but remember seeing the clock at 1:00 AM so I guess sleeping in til 10 or whatever isn't unexpected!

I just walked in the kitchen and said "out loud" to the people monitoring me or harassing me which actually they could be doing both- "Yall take the day-off" cause "I'm about dead here anyway" or something like that!

I didn't even stay up to see if the storm in the gulf became a damn storm! Never in my life have I not been excited about tropical weather!

You know that is the funniest thing to me. How can somebody that has lost as much if not completely but due in part to damn hurricanes love the "son of a bitches" so much?

Laughing? No I'm not but I want too! Let me go check on my bacon cooking. I'm know if I'm ADHD, lazy, dieing of something just have an allergy or what the Fuck is going on here.

Bacon is ready. Eggs cooking. Now. This has to be the worst blog on the internet!

I'm telling the truth and it comes out in such miserable spurts I sound like Al Capone, Howard Hughes and some as yet unnamed loser wrapped into one and it makes want to go lay down and go to sleep thinking about it!

I called my ex-wife and asked her "if I paid her could she come by and check on me in case I die so somebody will know and the dog won't have to lay next to my dead carcass!

Well hell the people harassing aint gonna call anybody cause they'd have to explain why they let me die!

I'm back. I had to go take a bite of my eggs. Well I lose weight if I don't eat!

I'm just insane so if I'm telling the truth nobody is ever going to know the truth.

I'm going to go eat and hope I live another damn miserable day! Why? I love misery! And I'm the epitome of it!

How bout yall go love somebody, find some peace and knowledge cause I don't feel up to any of that and God I wish I did!

Floyd C. Wooley

P.s.- I'm going to try to go eat and maybe I'll spell check this damn thing when i get through.

P.s.- I'm back. I wish I was on enough drugs to say that is what is making me feel so miserable but I'm not so I can't blame that for my misery. My God. I see people driving by and wonder "how the hell or what the hell they are doing to make enough money to just drive by in a "new" vehicle and what the hell is it gonna take to get me out of this damn house?

Thank God I did get to use my boat twice this year and the last time was the 4th of July and that was because I had some real ADHD medication and beautiful girl that wanted to go otherwise I'd have only laid around the house but I'm scared to have anything to do with her cause I might tell her I love her again and try to sell her some damaged goods! Which is me, so I'm the as of yet unnamed loser!
Thank God I didn't die before I said that.

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