Friday, January 28, 2011

Tiger still looks Like he made the right decision in his Life!


 I know I have been on a rant the last few posts but a rant seems to be the order of the day at time when you have to make decisions based on what someone else has concocted as the best case scenario for your life and Tiger Woods my friend I know your knee still hurts and it sure would help if that situation I have no idea what the details of were in the first place that happened in your life except the ones that were made public unfortunately for you and your family and from my own experience the details that matter are that you went through something that only you and the participants know what "devil were in the details" so when a little frustration shows on the course beleive it or not there are quite a few people that understand why.

 It seems that if we can keep bad news from becoming a Tsunami on our own and are fortunate enough that it doesn't become one out of our control it still takes what seems like a lifetime to get past what effects a few aftershocks can bring which r

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