Regardless of what has been the typical ADHD hell that is not caused by a pill but by the negligence of the few and the total disregard for human life and the undeniable effort to make a alter boy out of me I have managed to ask for some help!
That help is from you! 1.00 would be fine! Becuase the old drug addict! Laughing! Is not such a drug addict after all and if I were i'd be a better human being than the people that claim to be superior to me!
Let's see I think we have made some progress here and maybe with a few models for Alabama girls, A few nice posts on Fashion for gulf coast girls, The sale of some items posted last night and this morning, the help of my friends at Rent-A-Geek even though i might have to pay them but hey the bottom line is that might offend them cause we are in this thing to make a living!
Help from Darcy entering some info in quick-books now that I have intuit as well Pay-pal and amazon back on board to boot we should be able to make some headway if the anti-adderall crowd and all their followers don't kidnap the google Executive for God's sake and put him to death for being one hell of a guy!
Yes I have to work some odd hours and yes I have a store to open but that will take a miracle or some damn cold medication since I get hammered by some evil I figure is akin to the anti-christ because last night i was saying the lords prayer around here before i said to hell with it and said damn let's see here i've got two different Adderall capsules checked from the CVS and one has made it a living hell staying awake and the other has well made some difference- hey call me crazy but Shire I need you and if i can find the time I might check out this information I read the other night on your web-site that might save my life!
No I'm not a drug addict but if Ty Pennington had my he'd blow his brains out! Well like i said yesterday mycalled me in last month after being directly involved in attacking me none of this I told my when called out on the carpet in Decemeber as to if it were my or not but of course i lowered my head and said it was and . Well I was told earlier this month sometimes our plans don't work out but if mine don't i know who to blame and blame is just a nice word I am trying to use to say that after a few days of their up tilt in bombardment to make one man think he is insane for taking a pill that he might need a truck full of to win this war and if you are anti-drug- to hell with you! you'll need one one day and some idiot will take it away from you just for the hell of it!
that is easily accomplished without much more than a lot of pressure and to tell you every day that there is no such thing as ADHD or after that get's you down and a few other million things to be very frank! And I mean millions in the likes of handling someone else's money in a disaster area that your depression is just in your head!
No duh! To top it off i'm in every body else's boat again for the first time in a while and I feel your pain. The 40 million that have no prescription drug coverage all of a sudden after I upgraded my families blue cross to include Dental and with the rise in prices to off-set their supposed cost in coverage I've got insurance for my ex-wife and two children til their 26 I hope but for the same price as it was with me! Oh only 521.00 month which is not much for some I guess but I'm the one trying to get off disability which is in fact after some recovery that started well over a year ago if I could keep my Adderall locked up safely in fact I have said to hell with a log!
the crap comes in two type capsules anyway and i'm hoping Adderall just had a change in their markings which I want to ask them if that is true but damn I would hate make them hate me!
It is the only thing that actually works but I might if I still have a doctor go with generic next month and hope to god I make it!
It wouldn't be so bad but I have taken this type medication for 18 damn years and had never had one bit of trouble to as the Metabolife founder stated they raped cinderella!
Well it has been close to that for many of us. Because I don't know if I should throw up now or wait til I'm back on the crap that they call Asthma medicine that by the way Adderall works on pretty well or whatever it is I have in these capsule because yeaserday morning I could hardly breathe til I took an Adderall and it cleared my sinus congestion! Seriously so it kills pain and clears your sinuses! Damn that 125 year-old recipe aint that bad my friends!
Til you throw some cough medicine in it at high doses like they did the old cousin I took that was just fine til they ruined it!
63,000,000 doses according to the FDA and a few people couldn't get to bed by eight o'clock.
Hell I never would have had a thing to be upset about if I hadn't dreamed of being somebody and wanted to first get home alive and secondly get the work done after the kids to bed maybe I won't have to worry to much all night about who, what where and when something had to complete or get up and run out the door and be immediately behind at the office or eventually in my truck!
Then when you get home is it take a chance on a drink that might put me too sleep or work the next day ADHD if not for my coast guard cocktail that went sour!
I certainly wouldn't have much to complain about if not for the meds cause although I thought I was smart when quite figure out what I wanted to do!
Now it's everything I can so I don't ever get in a position that I have to let anyone push me around til i'm angry about it- something I never had to worry about before- on medication! Now isn't that something?
Our home movies sure seem to show a different story! And I don't mean the personal one's I think are beautiful- I mean the pics and movies of us playing in the yard and me working on whatever til it was finished with some patience!
Patience now is like time in a bottle i'm afraid we don't get to turn the damn thing over here anyways!
Get your kids on the medication young enough and at a low enough dose that will work so they can get an education and not have to have task of trying to get one at my age in a different field after the fact when you have pressure from all directions and your sane enough to know when you are being had!
God Bless, Peace, love and Knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
*See I was nice and covered the names!
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