Sunday, July 31, 2011

I wasn't happy with the post this morning because I had some Electrical intererference that made the text a little jump..y.

GeronimoImage via Wikipedia

I sure wish the grammar and structure had been better on the post this morning but as I said there were some technical difficulties.

The post this morning was meant to be from a person's point of view that had been out-flanked as well as surprised in an attack that will end with your destination being a place that the only person I would note as being happy would be the nurse that dispenses medications with the most famous guest that stopped for an evening or more being glad to get the hell out of town was Geronimo the second of his two stop layover in on the gulf coast area!

I don't know how it happened but somehow my parents took me to Fort Pick en's in Pensacola as a kid to see where he had walked a hole in the floor only to have that come back to light in my research of ADHD that I should have begun at least ten years prior.

Thus my discussion of Geronimo occasionally. I need to go now because now that my youngest son Alex is staying with me for a couple of months I feel like he wants somebody to go to work and I being already at work don't won't to have him feel like I'm not pulling my weight. Not that I am. Not a fact I'm happy about.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley

P.S.- I know some people that would kill you just as soon look at you to get you off, on and turned around so if you really needed an anti-depressant or our little ADHD pills that you would most likely die before you admitted anything short of treason to get them off your back only to have them turn up the heat a notch and damn I wish a law enforcement agency would step in and surprise everyone but me so I could surprise everyone but myself which would be a first only because I just never have expected to meet the grandest goals early!
The truth is and Lord I love the truth because without it none thing else would be logical to be anyway and that truth is that damn if you get hung up in a deal that isolates you part-time and runs you silly part-time as a plan of action to save you then you are in the wrong plan but maybe on the right track! With the wrong people!

Respect? I respect people that respect all of us enough to visit us and not run a circus on us claiming to be handed some special authority. Well where is due process. I guess my ADHD self was asleep being made to look bi-polar at the time! Otherwise I'm just a home boy. A Person that if they lived anywhere away from here it would be just for the week-end but I would like to think a few things here that are great and some that are not are handled differently out of the shadow of the grim reaper- damn fool might even smile back!

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