Sunday, July 31, 2011

Do you ever just get sick of hearing how perfect everyone is and keeping up!


You would think I would be angry and hateful to the point I would have to be by this time after 7.5 years or so being told by doctor's one thing and  treated like a complete outcast by the only family in America that knows they have the best percentage of being ADHD of most anyone else but refuse to admit it is not what it is not and that is a personality trait that is cured by sedatives although the benefit of the right medication is slowing the reaction time just enough that an already under normal conditions if ADHD a slightly quicker reaction time in the physical sense that is associated with impulsively and impulsive actions are one of the major symptoms we work to control without having to be Rambo! Rambo I guess would not need an anti-biotic or pain pill to survive his own surgery!

I have dealt with the dual edge sword of on the one hand having to control my sleep habits under pressure to fail in ways out of most people's thought field or pattern just a few years ago or at least it was not in mine and I took to using varied doses of ephedrine for many years not to fail but to succeed which every piece of evidence I would produce would in fact prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it did work to improve my life and my family's more so than I realized at the time or began to realize as it became less effective. Unfortunately I didn't have anyway to break my focus to succeed nor divert the drive forward with my business in a manner I can say is remembered at all in hind-sight another fact I have weigh heavily on me when I look at the distance between my doctor and my first office.

Later in the process of having an uncontrolled OTC as my primary and atually only medicine to treat and control much better than I realized even at the time and most helpful tool each day for years that were mostly peaceful- not made angry to prove me medicine was the issue a contention that be fact I would have to die and lose my mind to not have ingrained in my mind!

Each and every witness in my life would testify to a similiar if not definite pattern backed up by data!

The issue is not "he is addicted and won't go to sleep thus he needs to give up take the cheap medicine and forget life at 45 but exactly the opposite is true. The best medication ironically other than that OTC  is the most expensive a fact I have tested in every way imaginable!

In fact the bottom-line is that in deed my family has ignored and resisted for the most part the truth to the point that I only feel comfortable around people that have had just enough success in life or much more in many cases that has to help them to realize the difference a cheap generic has on us when a better although  to be like taking an aspirin for a migraine!

The ingredients in fact don't have to be the same with generics as I tested again the othr day when my son was ill and I went to purchase his anti-nausea medication- Emetrol at Rite-aid. Completely different and the Emetrol is 2.00 more to boot but I bought it because I felt it would work best and to my knowledge it always has.

The additional money for a medication is a simple decision to make in any one's mind you would think if anyone but you was convinced the medication either one or two things 1. Worked. 2. Didn't not work. You could find that a consensus would be hard to find among people of like mind but differing ideas of what is best for a person not different now than when he had nearly a million dollars a month being collected for his company's operation at times that began and only ended because of a hurricane and a natural disaster being responsible for a 750,000.00 thousand dollar short-fall over the last quarter of 2004 when compared to the same period in 2003!

Not another issue nor any other the only issue that would have prevented my success that year was a hurricane!

Now I just look forward to the time when I as a free person may have the opportunity to not live among people that are impatient and attacking like banzees while slowly using a psychological ploy used by enough so-called mental health professionals to irritate an already disgusted man because his OTC did the same job as the Shire!

Thus it would be apparent immediately if distraction were employed in an unnatural way in my situation that it would do harm almost immediately to one's psychological state of mind but and it's a big but I hope that will not be an issue that can't heal to some extent with time away and to retest myself in a more normal set of circumstances thus solving any if it really exists perceived idea I just refuse to go to sleep!

The sleep issue is another all together and with a little shove into a feeling of further and further loss of time a driven but now depressed easily person need as much life emotionally as a higher quality ADHD

So if it be your decision to consider my call for a 30 day immediate stay from any action by my family in this matter for whatever reason I may have laid out as possible I would like to set about the job of proving the little man can rebound from disaster as well as acquire an attorney!

Friends the paper or article you have just written would be my opening statement if I were so unfortunate as to not have an attorney to defend me in an action that is more correctly described as an ambush to anyone that has been surprised and and hauled off to a one-way session of court if you are in fact the fact the only that hasn't prepared. If not considered as a viable choice many a person in our country would suffer the same fate over and over until it appears they lose the will to even defend themselves based on my observation of the poor souls.

I hope none of the people that read this ever have the unfortunate events that have been only slightly explored because of the time involved in introducing the facts in short order at least hopefully to the extent a chance will be afforded to introduce not just circumstantial evidence but evidence that is backed up by the facts that simply scanning a copy of my Social Security income statement would most likely prove as evidence of the OTC's success and the prescription medication certainly deserves the same consideration to not be seen as less than as useful as the OTC for every reason that we as patients and our doctor's as monitor's of our progress have to have seen at least once or they would give up on us as quickly as an ADHD and Type A family that has splintered over a situation for more reasons than were apparent in the fall of 2005!

God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge and in a parting comment for Today it although negative may be of positive use to you one day. That is that there is a marked and noticeable drop in your family as a wholes mental and psychological view of you once you announce the symptom's so please don't let the slight evidence of that in your own life get to you too bad! It will be permanent and noticeable but the help of a professional beats the trial and error of an over the counter medicine not protected even to be available next week much less next year and you have a crisis that rivals well please see me income statement and also that of my ex-wife Valarie as well since I always had intended as was done to my recollection that being fact that her income increased as well and to a higher degree than mine by purpose!


Floyd C. Wooley

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