Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oh Lord. I feel Like Jim Cantore!



Jim Cantore can't get a date with anybody but a storm chaser!

I'm ADHD and if some people had it there way we would all be in the nut house with the nuts and the fruit cakes that are in some cases just like us!

We can't get the nuts with the fruit cakes cause of the damn fact we went to the same place but got left out of the mix! Somethin like that!

Two ADHd people can't get together cause we can't stop talkin over each other unless one of is on medication and the other is two because if one isn't we well I can't say I might cry!

If it's two men that are straight we might survive but mix us up and we are sitting ducks for "Damn I think I know what to do for this person and damn off to jail I'd go!

My only hope would be if Pink would bail me out! Maybe Paris Hilton?

I would list a brunette or a redhead but I haven't found one yet that will admit anything!

Oh God I just pissed off all the brunette's and redhead's cutting my possibilities by 2/3 or there-abouts!

Wait a minute. No they gotta go public first!

Ty man weigh in this discussion sometime okay? I need some advice!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley

PS.- I'm glad Shire Cares! I sure will be glad when that shipment of Vyvanse get's to the Gulf Coast on Friday! They said 70mg was a odd dose and I said "I need 90 mg"!
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