Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reparitive Therapy? OH for God's Sake's!

Journalist, author and television personality ...Image via Wikipedia


Do you have any idea what that type of therapy is?

I don't but my mind could guess many awful things beyond what some of you could imagine because just damn maybe that is what some idiot had in mind for me over the last 8 years!

Guess what my friends? I'm as defiant as ever! God speed to all of us downtrodden!

I'll do a little more research and get back to you on it but beware of the phrase if I could I remember the words:

Oh Hell how is "wolves in sheep's clothing for starters?

As for me I'm a dog man! I'm also straight but in some way feel a kindred spirit with those in the world that have gone have through any type hell- and too some I know you gone through a helluva lot more than I have so I'm happy to be alive with what psychological remains of my original self I do still possess!

The lady that asked me once "How do you like mind talk" and I replied "there is no such thing" is true!

I don't like it, won't stand for it and consider it from the devil! Not Porn!

Human beings together in a state of bliss with each other under normal cirumstances in the privacy of their own homes or on a protected internet page that promotes somethin all together different is another matter to talk about an espouse!

If you don't like sex their is somethin wrong with you anyway- very wrong and I feel sorry for you! I'll pray for you and you hater's out there pray for me cause we sure wouldn't get along in heaven!

God Bless, Peace, Love, CNN, Shire, Anderson Cooper and all you pastors that want to see us lovin each other! Don't worry I'm not homophobic anymore- why would I want to be? That was a long time ago when I was just a naive puppy!

Floyd C. Wooley
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