Friday, December 30, 2011

My wish for the New Year!

My most important goals dor this coming year are in jeopardy becauuse the bottomline is my heart has been broken so many times over thhe last almost eight years on purpose by everyone I live have reached out too and have depended on that my resources are almost zero.

Now that I have said that let me say that my three children now adults. Have impressed me with their maturity.

I'm lost, wait I found my place. It's hard to type when you can't see your place.
1. The most important thing I need in my life is an unenterupted supply of Astimulant medication so I can build my lifw.
2. Make the next a direct line to Shire.
3. Peace and quiet in my own home and bysiness when I am with a customer ir not.
4. A cash flow through the work and creativity that medicine from shire provides the ADHD.
5. Transportation.
6. The Love of a female with like mind. Last but maybe first
7. Never last the company of my dog boo and yours is welcome.
8. No interference from family or their friends outside the one's listed above.
9.The support of my friends which nymber the thousands at least.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

What do you need in 2012?

F.Clifton Wooley

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