Saturday, December 31, 2011

Love: What can I say on the subject at 4:30 am?


Love. What could I possibly say on the subject this time of morning and I'm talking about love between a man and a woman or vice-versa. Not very damn much. I know one thinv I have truly loved very few women and I love them all as friends and mysterious creatures that seem to be more intelligent than I.

I love one most but I am at a point I need reconciliation or closure.

If she is the next in my life or the last who knows but if she is the last it is nither of our fault.

I hope if she was the last the people have tortured us up close and personal to the point it seemed a clear and present danger in my mind they had drugged enjoyed
Themselves immensely.
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
F.Clifton Wooley

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