Thursday, February 16, 2012

Journal Entry: Last night had to be one of those nights that rivaled living in Nazi Germany with propaganda p.a. Systems blaring out awful lies to all your neighbors as well as you the only difference being that you are I in this case have no idea how many of my neighbors or anyone else in this county, state, nation or world heard or hears the same line of propaganda! Im just told that many are. My only experience up close and personal has been with a limited few tortured minds! Not souls! Icalled my father last night to inform him I had turned in every family member involved and he just laughed me off as insane! That man has ruined lives and gives a rats ass less just like his sister Betty Fehler did my poor cousin Teri Fehler! My father think age outwits youth by experience. I feel youth outwits youth and age by experience! God bless Teri Fehler for battling back af

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