Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal Entry 032212-B: Damn I'm Weak this morning I havent taken my morning SU24 or my little red 30mg tablets yet. I did take 1 SU-24 yesterday but I waited to late to avoid some pretty heavy incoming propaganda aimed at making me angry by force. Probably no one would beleive if they havent been through civilian hell. It helped get me through til I waited again to late to post my to bed medication or even to get it in my system before last nights dasterdly attack on my senses I had expected but waited to late to avoid for basketball or some good educational television. By the time the assault was over or changed to fool somebody I was too drousy to watch television. I might as well post my sleep meds from last night for the record. Lord I'm weak. Two and1/2 clonazapams, 1/2 3mg Intuniv, Two equate tylenol pm's! They worked sometime before ten o'clock CDT. I'm too weak to post anymore right now. I have my adhd in tact unfortunately and my ear situation that who knows or seems to care? I'm serious since I'm so evil I tell the truth about aspects of Alabama people dont want to hear or see posted in print! God bless the good people of this State, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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