Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal Entry 032212-C: I talked too Valerie. It didnt help I'm sorry to say cause she didnt have any anti-biotics or a promise to set me up with anyone that might love me as much as she used to about nine or less years ago. Hell I'm just laying here feeling like death. I'm sorry Valerie I did enjoy talking to you. Thank God you didnt read me any bible verses about the enemy being all around they not only are around they have been and were then and before and they still are. I just hear them as well cause they have a new game. I guess that's it yall. I gotta go for now. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley p.s.-Val did that post come across mean spirited? I didnt mean it that way I just feel ill. I'll always love you, anyway.

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