Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal Entry 032312: Admiral Denton's book has confirmed my worst nightmare!


Everyone should read Admiral Denton's book!

It has been used against possibly many of us and the people that Love and want to remain able to Love and live free that don't read will suffer a terrible fate by being compliant!

No matter your situation or educational background read, damn-it, read!

I was initially years ago tortured for many unjust reasons and I have lost some of my intelligence by not reading!

Dont listdn too the folly of fish oil.

That is the lie of the century in my opinion.

If you see a doctor or police official that doesnt take your story seriously go around them and up the chain of government til you get results or suffer my fate to this point!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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