Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal Entry 032312-D: I know I wanted to say if it get's out?


I first want to apologize to Blogger and Google for my lack of faith in my own stats, I've been through hell and I have been brain washed to not beleive my own stats. I hope you understand?

I had to say. I'm caught in a web of deceit.

The truth is that I moved into hell here at 19680 State Highway 181 under the false assumption it would be a better life!

I moved in here on a medication that helps people live life to it's fullest made by a Company that beleives in being Brave!

I was set-up though to beleive I would find a better life here and I knew from the beginning I was moving into a well prepared hell on earth.

Not the good people of Fairhope!

Just those that set you up to continue your torture therapy by luring you in with a smile and so-called lovd.

They just happen to include loved ones that you havent yet decided cant love or be trusted and I think if you have read my posts or seen the results in your own life or mine you know who they are at least.

I had hoped my ex-wife could move back in the old house that had been used to torture me at 167 Ridgewood drive and save the mortgage and with me here I could help!

What a fool I was to think living here would get anything but worse under the thumb of those control freak loved ones I now despise.

I wouldnt be able to get out of here now without that same medication that I moved in here on but I am afraid if I had it I'd have the same control freaks do me in without assistance and medical treatment for this dad-gum infection from those ear implants that I know in my heart and mind is available without co-operating with evil people.

I just know it is available and it's not too late for me or you!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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