Saturday, February 1, 2014

Journal Entry 020114-B: Damn I got the date right and thank you!

I have to thank you today for everyone that makes these blogs possible in anyway!
Thank you so very much and if you dont mind so in this way- thank you very damn much for Christ Sakes!
We had a "record" number of "pageviews" this month compared with the same month in 2013!
I hope you enjoyed the posts and I hope you found something of interest to you?
I do damn-it from the bottom of my black heart for God Sakes!
Floyd-Wooley 1387
Battleship         588
Lets Sell          1827
Coastal                42
Gulf Girls           251
Totals             4095!
Hell freakin Yes!
For a Cold January that aint bad compared to 2013's 3963!
As depressed as I am you gave "at" least me a reason to get up this morning! I promise you that is that is the truth!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley

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