Friday, August 20, 2010

The Koran as described in Funk & Wagnells copyright MCMLXXI!

09/08/2010Image by icara via Flickr


Our world has endured Two World Wars in less than 100 years among Christian Nations pitted against each other with the Jewish People caught in the middle and unfortunately suffering a great holocaust, in fact millions have perished. I think we all need to take a step back and read a little about our "supposed enemy" the people of Islamic faith! Hitler was not alone in wanting to rule the world and had envisioned a much larger Empire. I forget why he hated the Jewish people but they were one of many planned targets for extermination and thank God he was not successful.

Since we as Christians have extreme views on the fringes as to what our "enemy" should be I thought you might like to read this directly from an old encyclopedia regarding the idea that the Islamic faith does not believe in God although called Allah but very much the same God of Christians, Jews and Islam.

Page 435 book #14

The Koran was given it's name by Muhammad as he purportedly received revelations from God (Allah) and written down by his secretaries who then wrote them down and his followers memorized them.

The whole collection as it is now was compiled by his followers after his death in 632 A.D. An authorized version was produced in the early 650's by Arabic Scholars. They destroyed variant copies. Some of which are now accepted.

The Koran details all varied aspects of life, that there is one God and one true religion; all men will face judgment and the just will be rewarded with eternal bliss and the sinners punished; when mankind turned from truth God sent prophets to lead the way back; and the greatest of the prophets was Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Punishments and rewards are depicted with vivid imagery and are exemplified by stories, many of which are also found in the Jewish and Christian scriptures and Apocrypha.

Friends there is much more and you should read some of these descriptions you should read for your self and the reason for my sharing them with you is to shed some light on a subject that seems to be getting out of hand in our country both in the news reports heard daily, seen on television and the many comments on the internet that attest to our President's faith and our supposed right to keep the Islamic faith from worshiping near ground zero but not on ground zero as many rumors would have you believe in fact I personally feel to memorialize our fallen why is so insane to propose we build back towers that are grander than the ones lost in the attacks and memorialize the fallen citizens of this country in a way that would show the world we "detest" and I can't think of a word presently to describe my own thoughts as to those responsible but they my friends were extremists that were simply used and were using a faith that we may not agree with as Christians or Jews but should at least understand does not plan to exterminate us anymore than we might claim to want to exterminate them! Shocking?

The Crusades were real and a disgrace to our people's of all three faith's- three faith's that believe in the same God that just don't agree on his son Jesus Christ being the messiah and our salvation as described in our own gospels which Lord forgive me for saying this have their own discrepancies in areas that although a Christian and Believer as I noted previously my own acceptance of Christ in 1996 officially or what have you call it and Baptism which I'm sure someone will criticize because of my use of a Chinese herb to control ADHD and that allowed me to sit, listen and receive his salvation as well provide my family with a living it had not known previously but I must say there are so many versions of our own Holy bible that I take seriously the words in Revelation that read from the old "king James" version I received in 1967 Chapter 22 18 & 19.

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophesy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things;; God shall add unto him the plaques that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of this prophesy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Friends do those two verses mean to you as it does to me that the book may be changed in it's version but that the person or person's which may be many if you consider the English language it was translated into and all the other languages this book has been translated into under many different periods of time during many different doctrines of the leaders of nations and people's at the time!

I'm afraid to get a true translation into English to satisfy everyone we would have to have all of the original manuscript and pray the people translating had no personal leaning one way or another.

In fact is what is written in fact talking of just the book of revelations or others as I am not a Theologian?

The bottom-line is that it says the same thing in the funk & Wagnalls about the Koran as it's been a long time but do not the Mormons claim a book of Jesus Christ that includes references to his visiting other parts of the world?

Don't take my last sentence literally because I'm not sure but I can be precise about what I believe in and it certainly is that our God is much more complex and that there is much more to his kingdom, empire or universe than we will possibly know until it is time and to speed up or to spread false witness or rumors on any people or people's is considered a sin in my mind.

I have done just that from time to time just because of the lack of being able to identify an individual by voice alone which is not a false statement and it has probably happened to many of us but some are indisputable now my eye sight?

It isn't that great but I can see well enough to know if I'm being threatened by anyone other than a sniper! LOL!

God Bless and let's hope the ill will we have seen and an eye for an eye will be replaced by some Love, peace and knowledge for a while in this world and if that fulfills some dreaded prophesy on someone's part and it is not meant for all mankind quite yet then we have plenty of time to worry about it if it comes as Jesus says "surely I come quickly" then so be it!

The great thing would be that would mean "peace" and a great future free of this world's ill's but it's goodness will be made greater don't you expect?

We sure don't want to bring on misery upon misery just for the sake of it hoping to speed something up that may not be ready to happen! I don't know do you?

So Love, Peace, Knowledge,

Floyd C. Wooley

P.s.- What we all should do is make sure our charity of choice no matter our gift or tithe as it may be should be used for it's intended purpose so long as it builds not destroys and lifts not lowers and is not used to force anyone to believe what we believe just enlighten so the door is open for dialogue!

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