Please Teenager's and young adults don't dot it! I've used this same lint to get your attention before but this time I mean it exactly like I'm typing it!
Don't do anything as described in the CNN report today about a new hallucinogenic that comes from wherever it comes from "I just don't want to tall you what it is and open a Pandora's box for you!
Just take it from somebody that knows one thing can lead to another and I'm one that is living proof one or twice using something can lead to your being labeled something you don't want to be labeled then when you do stumble upon something that benefits you and it turns upside down on you your world will be screwed!
Parent's ADHD and ADD are real conditions that can and should be treated! the last thing on Earth you want for your children and young adults is for them to get off labeled something else because the depression that ensues in their lives ruins them- that is your children and young adults.
Talking to young adults. I can't call myself your friend if you insist on doing what is wrong for you only to years later have yourself mislabeled and mistreated the likes of which you'll never understand until it has been done!
If somebody offers you something new and exciting somebody will come back years later and pummel you for it! In every way conceivable!
I was lucky for a time to use something for years over the counter and now I feel I have to defend every other aspect of my life to be treated for the original condition and the depression is awful!
Remember I'm almost 45! where do you want to be at 45?
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!
Thanks CNN.com
-Floyd C. Wooley
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