Saturday, November 6, 2010

Talk about Psycho's in a family?

Image representing Orbitz as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
Friends and foe alike,

I just thought it was a shame that Zenyatta or whatever the hell you spell it well even the damn horse lost Today as well the Gamecocks to name a few.

If you really think about it the 1,2,3 works out like this if I can remember it.

Blame, Every little thing she does, fly down! Well hell that's the sign from God I've been looking for!

Jamaica here I come! A one way ticket on Orbitz! Same way I got there before just for one person my Yorkie and one-way!

Oh yeah a forwarding address til I get this shit figured out where so I can get paid and report some income, wouldn't that be nice!

As for the rest of the idiots in this country. Go our and buy yourself an ADT Pulse monitoring system so every little thing she does and you do will be video taped without your knowledge and they'll edit so you'll be the one setup to take the fall!

Hell you won't even get a chance to claim royalties on your own porn flicks or anything else for that matter but your kids will be safe coming in the front door while you are at your 200,000.00 a year job trying to pay off the last decades bills but hey at least you alive!

your also not fucked up in the head until you hear the "chipmunks" laughing at you after sex! That's code for this placed is home but it's going to Hell in hurry and we all can't even understand that even our former President bush is screaming hey I'm the one that talked the dumb ass democrat's into the stimulus bill before I left office for only about 1/2 what we needed to cover expenses!

God Bless our returning Veterans and those that didn't fare as well and their families and well to hell with their friends cause they really don't give a shit anyway in fact they are like "Rats leaving a sinking ship" when the merry-go-round stops and they don't even appreciate the fact you lost your fucking mind trying to pay their asses every week after the worst chain of event in modern history for any area to endure much less the country or the world.

I better stop because who the hell what's next!

God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley

P.s.- Watch out for that camera up your ass cause it would be nice to get paid for some of this crap I've been through and some of it has been scripted in more ways than one! Love yall in case the people that owe me murder my ass for putting this on the internet!

P.s.s.- Dignity is getting paid for something regardless of if people like the product or not and I aint talkin Drugs I'm talking Sex!

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