If not for those professionals that take into account everything from A to Z and apples to apples a whole bunch of us would be nothing more than useless in our younger but close to middle age!
God Bless the people that share their stories to those of us that some times feel the way we do and hopefully we don't offend anyone that has had it worse than us or is older or whatever the case maybe!
As for those groups that would rather us all just be classified as drug addicts which how could there be many in a world where people from all walks of life are willing to share their stories and solve the mystery?
Well as for those groups- "just go to Hell- because as one brilliant mind put it- "we have you coming and going! Pun intended!
Thank you to the Today Show, Gene Simmons and the beautiful Love of his life for sharing those amazing comments and some of your life with us yesterday morning!
Personally I'm not sure but we as a group both the ADD and the ADHD people rule the World! We are a strong block of voters too don't you think?
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
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