It doesn't mean as much to some folks as you would think and to others it's just not on their radar scope at all but I just can't get deep into a subject this afternoon or at least right now as much as I would like.
Sometimes you find out you just don't mean that much in this old world to some of the people you even pay may of your income too and that cuts a little deep.
It does seem their are others of us that means more too and some good conversation is as important as the almighty dollar and to those folks I salute you!
It is always interesting how someone may not return a phone call and at least update you and we get all bent out of shape only to find out they actually gave a darn and were overloaded because they did give a darn!
Then we run across those that don't return a phone call and we don't expect it because we have given them all the information they need and things just come together.
I salute those people. One for knowing we trust them and the two for not adding to our distractions as we go about our daily tasks trusting them.
Then there are those we are supposed to feel close to that never call or if we do they never return our calls and to those people I feel for because they have some reason for their lack of concern and those people like I said i have concern for!
It depends on how your day has gone to this point and who you have dealt with and if any of these situations make any dang since too you now doesn't it?
I just can't get my reach mode going this afternoon and if you notice by my posts it only happens occasionally and that bothers me immensely!
Should it?
Depends on what group, individual or what thing particular has led me to these feelings Today!
I hope you don't understand but if you do I salute you!
sometimes in life something as simple as retelling an age old story can make a person's day or talking to someone they thought was a "favorite of theirs but along comes that stranger that turns out to make your day if you can hold off the disappointment in others long enough to enjoy what they in their individual lives has made your day a little brighter!
I'm not quite through Today so let me make a phone call and see if I get put on the back burner for whatever reason that last time so I can try to over come it or reason with it or come to grips with or just plain deal with it as some shallow folks will plain and simple tell you to your face if not worse!
Maybe I ought to to take a drive and see why no one can stand in for someone and I'd tell you why I had to write a letter a couple of times and drop out or ask out of something I enjoyed doing for the public good a couple of times in my life but let me take a drive first!
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
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