I want you to know an effect I have experienced on at least two occasion and maybe only two with a combination and timing of a medication "possible" interaction that although not life threatening does have a negative impact!
I decided to take a 20 mg Cymbalta and a 1 mg Clonazopam on an empty stomach at 5:40 pm.
I had some luck taking an afternoon dose of Clonozapam with my ADHD medication with fair results thus the decision to chart this stated action.
I had no stomach discomfort as in the first time that I recall this issue.
About thirty-forty minutes ago I just had this urge to tell myself "you feel stupid"!
It has eased now but I would take care to chart all your medication the same way I have and if you can't remember to let your doctor know try to use some type of system even if it is simply "coming from an ADHD" person this does sound stupid but I mean what I stated in a more in tune with a slight confusion of what to do!
I hope you understand what I mean or actually don't because you have never experienced the turn around type feeling some medication may have on your primary medication or whatever I'm trying to explain too you!
Other than that I've been bust today and I haven't taken the time to write anything or had that spark you feel when you want to write something until now and it is motivated out of my desire to inform just in case you ever have that sudden realization that something didn't quite work as planned!
I'm speeding up now as if I have just awaken and that starts when your ADD or ADHD medication starts to lose it's effectiveness but it is well worth it to take your medications as long as they don't harm you or anyone else around you!
God Bless, Peace, love and knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
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