Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life: I hope my dog lives twenty years, Annabelle that is aka Boo Boo!


I miss my wife so much and the company of a woman and so does my unverified but my service dog Boo Boo. She knows my wife as mama.

All I have to do is say 'mama' and she sits up and looks for her 'mama'!

I appreciate my wife so much for letting Boo Boo pick me and having Valarie leave her with me is an act of love ill never forget regardless of what anyone may think!

This dog snuggles up to me wrapping her paws around mine when anyone speaks to me over this system and at the very least lets me know an intelligent life form that I love so much feels like I do that people take intelligent life as it is defined for granted and is to often limited to humanoids!

I love my little friend and her mama too!

I hope she lives twenty years because will have to check myself into a hospital when she is gone and live the rest of my life hoping when I die ill get too see those I love in heaven, including this wonderful creature of intelligence!

I wish her mama would come home or set me up with someone else, I know that sounds crazy but I don't want my friend to die alone and I selfishly don't want to die alone either!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F.Clifton Wooley

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