Sunday, January 15, 2012

Opinion: I would take a chance on being placed in Jail or the Mental Punishment Correction Facility!


I dare someone to nominate me for another a trip to the local so-called mental hospital or as it should be called locallay in thisstate convenient penal facility if my ADHD, ADD, Depresses oHell i'm still half asleep so please exxcuse my attempt at a post.

1. A scream room, give the planet a break!

2. I'm trying to not be angry here but not because I'm afraid of anyone but because I have been made to suffer the intolerable last few years and repeatedly lied to by everyone from my parents to a doctor or three.

3. The black teller at Regions Bank on Greeno Road in Fairhope, Alabama told me the truth by her words to me on June 3rd 2011; those words she spoke to me were no joke and during a courtesy call during the BCS Game to my father he said quote well unquote because i'm stillunder the influence of Intuniv that I took at full dose and I can barely think straight much less type this post.

The bottomline is this post is all screwed up because I tried to stay up and listen to my University of South Alabama Jaguars and took half of the Intuniv too early so I would ffall asleep.

When I couldn'nt go to sleep after I lost the ability to listen even to the game I took another half and now i'm feustrated I can't write this post I'm so drugged up on it.

I'm sorry Shire but three milligrams is too much for me.r just angry chil
d were placed in screM room!

I'll try to write this post when my Coffee, Suda-fed and this damn Intuniv where's off. I'm sorry.

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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