Sunday, January 15, 2012

Warning to anyone in this area! I am self-reporting that fools and scoundrels have stolen almost half a bottle of Intuniv from me! Warning: If you are a child, woman or man that or knows anyone on a capsule of Vyvanse or Adderall Xr and you have crapped your pants and are being re-habed by force that pill may have been mixed with your Vyvanse or Adderall Xr and you need to inspect it right damn now! I had the same thing happen last summer and NO idea how or what had happened until I got my Intuniv and took a whole three milligram tablet on night with Bad stomach. Im so sorry for not having it locked up! I didn't give it as much thought because am under the same crap by someone that is insane in my family! Please spread the word to your damn friends IMMEDIATELY!!! Call Shire as will I and let's hope we can keep the idiot ISOLATED! God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge my friends, we need law enforcement we can Trust! F. Clifton Wooley

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