Monday, March 19, 2012

Journal Entry 031912-I: Unfortunately I'm ADHD and my dog came before me!


I've seen Freedom of a different sort as sonn as I can get there, treated and these micro-amplified wireless two-way communication devices out of my life both what might or most likey was installed in my ear canals and in my home!

Now I'm not sure what I just wrote in structure because I can't see on this small screen but Thank God for C-Spire and Thank God I'm not dead yet!

There is a place where there are no triggers if I live long enough get this damn infection out of my body that is awful butchery by some damn body that has no love in their heart apparently!

God Bless Pensacola, Florida because it is the obvious Love Capital and a small business mecca!

I'll get there alive God willing and the evil use of my body for research, torture and recon doesnt in fact kill me first!

Poor Boo Boo she to fall in Love with what used to be one hell of a business man and the most defiant person that I've met that was just a damn civilian.

I hate 19680 and when I leave alive hopefully Boo Boo and I can both find love if the damn poison put in my Vyvanse that is ravaging my body is not damn HIV!

If not I will be lucky and it would be nice to have a doctor draw my blood and tell me straight to my face what abomination has been used by those people named and yet to be determined to be responsible I guess are prosecuted!

I refuse to be anyone else's play pet project in Alabama dead or alive!

You have destroyed my faith in this states government and many others by your actions and hopefully you all will be brought to justice before you murder another soul by some self-proclaimed good for the people!

By the way my Ex-wife Valerie told me how great I was after she was forced to leave or whatever by the legal , personal and financial destruction destroyed her life and our childrens!

It did anyway even if she finds Love, peace and prosperity!
I'm the one she said would be President one day when I was just an 19 yearold ADHD floundering kid!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clicton Wooley

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