Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journal Entry 032112-C: Yesterday I had a blue and white screen flash on my Phone?

That Screen said I was to be charged for writing a blog on blogger?

I thought I was helping them make money by writing this true life story, anyway.

I'm nauseated and I havent taken or eaten anything but I have had some coffee.

I downloaded a couple of navigational apps for the next time I get in fog on my boat but I'm not sure how to use them yet for at sea navigation.

I had better go check my breakfast.

I can barely hear. I can hear some but I lost my morning burst of motivation.

Maybe I'm just queasy and that's why I have lost my appetite and motivation?

I get the shakes pretty quick writing this so let me go.

I have packed some more of my belongings!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd Clifton Wooley

p.s.- Damn I just got dizzy and had to catch my balance.

Talk to you all again soon.

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