Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Journal Entry 061212-B: I Remember A Time!


I apologize for this but I had "The Alabama Marine Police" stop by and I had to stop writing.

I was finished with the "non-fiction" life story in any event.

I had asked the Alabama Marine Police to drop me some literature on "Alabama-Boating Laws and Regulations and they were very nice to do so!

Stop by "Battle Ship Marine" if you would like to have a pamphlet!

Have a Safe Boating, Beach or Work Day!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley


I remember a time way back in the 1970's as a child sitting in my parent's office on Battleship Parkway in what is now Spanish Fort, Alabama "City Limit's" watching my mother add up credit cards manually on a Remington 411 adding machine til her hands went numb while I to avoid "doing my home-work" swung between filing cabinets or sat at David's desk and doodled something or tried to draw pictures of ships primarily "battleships" or played some other game on paper I had come up with or that my other friend's and I or they had come up with at school to avoid paying attention to our teacher!

Those were the days for me except when I fell off the filing cabinets twice and had to be rushed to the hospital by my poor mother for stitches! I have a scar on each corner of my "left and right eye from those two "slips"!

When the weather was good I would be outside fishing or bounching a ball off the wall on the west side of the store.

If not I would be in the "store" eating "bear-claws" with my dad or taking them back outside to eat while I fished or watched the "black ladies" that caught mullett on a cane pole which in some previous post I most likely wrote about!

She had a Black on Black 1972 Pontiac Grand-Prix that was a demonstrator that one of the McConnel's had driven until 1977 when she got the 1978 Cadillac Coupe-de-ville I restored but lost in a fire in Pensacola, Florida a couple of years ago!

The Ladies used to sling those mullett onto those cars and we would all laugh together right outside my mother's office window.

The original point was those were the best of times for me and tough times with very hard work for my parents!

They owned "Kingfisher Enterprises" and the "Enco Travel Stop" they owned and operated had been built in 1970 with a 13,000.00 SBA Loan they had gotten after Hurricane Camille had destroyed the old "Bay Breeze Club" my father had leased and operated just west of the location of what was "Kingfisher Exxon" when Hurricane Frederic "destroyed" on September 12, 1979!

The original point was that my mother added those credit cards manually on that Reminton 411 that I still have to this day and always will because she would have no other adding machine! I mean no other machine period!

In those days after adding those credit card tickets and getting a total then filling out the manual recap tickets they were placed in envelopes postage was applied from an old fashioned pitney bowes postage meter and mailed to Houston Texas where again they were manually processed and in most cases a check would be mailed back in a week or two for thousand's of dollar's that might as well have been a million dollars to my parents as they anxiously awaited those payments!

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