Image by Maitri via Flickr
Friends And foe alike,Last night was just a hoot! Take some meds to go to sleep which basically are Tylenol Pm and 1 Clonezapam! No Problem maan!
In comes the audio! Oh they just turned it up a notch. In this State that means your insane but hey I'm broke. Have No Adderall because I'm harassed on it in fact last night on que to keep me from voting and helping my wife save our house even though she is my Ex-wife that I love dearly I would use my income to keep a place I was almost killed in and the rest of the family could have been too because this torture which somebody told me was Southern Justice I finally did what quiets them down and damn it only took the minute I downed my last two Adderalls while I asked them yes them to please let me go to bed so I could vote and see that lawyer! If you are ADHD you understand if you take meds and if you don't your an idiot and a disgrace to the rest of us!
So I write that nice blog that just happens to be so damn true it makes want to throw up! Now I'm sitting here waiting for the damn medicine to wear off which it must have because I could be tested by the Devil on the damn stuff so no my house is like a revolving door because my Dad gave me one key to one door and the attic is open from outside in so come on over but you might not like the fact I have the damn thing screwed shut!
Yeah I'm angry Today and I have a damn good reason to be because everything I say is either the truth, obvious humor or history or some other story from somewhere that most likely is as true as I can make it! I'm Manic right now well bull shit!
My sister's recording at least the one nearest the a/c vent was just played and her favorite saying was used "Oh my God"! Well you ought to just love it because guess what I have been punished like this before everytime anything good in my life happens now aint that something I guess I'm on a guilt trip? No because I'm not guilty of anything I haven't been punished for in the last six damn years in Hell #1 and #2 well #3 but If I say my truck they'll put me in the nut house for hearing voices in the damn truck! Well damn don't you hear voices in yours every day?
Depends huh? Most likely if you had any OnStar or a Dual Blue Tooth car stereo you might even from your phone and that little baby is clear as hell but if I call the police they ask me what I'm on! Well aint that something? If I was sane I'd take my Bama flag and move somewhere else but I aint going anywhere and I hope my sister and my father choke on a damn pill or something since they are at the drug store all the time! No not really but they sure are wonderful people!
I'm following right along in their foot steps! I'm tired of this crap and I'll be the one going to Hell because they all talk to God well I do to just like Alan Jackson but he speaks back in a clear quiet voice unlike me because I might just pray out load or silently if I decide too and I'm southern as Hell but I would'nt vote for a republican if he said "damn I have a cure for this crap I can get the police over there. Well That isn't true because if you lived in my life for about six damn years you'd be crazy as hell too!
I was hoping the Devil would drop me some Adderall XR by Shire by here last night since God doesn't beleive in that stuff in these parts especially not for me but at least I would have a life. Hey some plain old Ephedrine might work but you no what I want it all! I want the law to get this place cleaned out some deceitful people put in their place and treatment for ADHD?
Sorry to be so rude but hey everyone gets a little upset when they tell the truth and get put away for it! I wanted to volunteer for the Dem's today but heck I'm not much to be around anymore and you may or may not hear from me again because my Dad that said if I worked hard my whole life I'd something worthwhile to show for it changed his mind for no damn good reason a couple of months ago and said I couldn't even buy this place from him so if I were a liar that would be my motive for telling the truth on him and old Sis but hey guess what I just want to move and since I went to a free concert and called about a job saturday afternoon I'm catching hell for it! do I seem manic to you yet? Well. Let's see if I can slow down a little here. Laughing but not really!
I hope when I see Jesus he let me know it's okay to have been angry this day at someone that preached to me about how bad there mother and sisters had done him when his father passed away now that sounds mean but you haven't been threatened to be whipped by your 70 year-old father lately now have you?
Article I.
Section I. All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and house of Representatives.
Section II. *1The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second Year by the People of the Several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.
God Bless Peace, Love and knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
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