![Who I Am (Alan Jackson album)](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/38/WhoIAm.jpg)
As you may have read I decided to go to a concert last evening! I had the tickets in advance that were free and other than standing in line you couldn't ask for a better entertainer, artist, musician and in my opinion country, blues, rock and story teller through his lyrics than Alan Jackson!
Having self stated to no objection from me or the thousands in attendance during a brief introduction of his band members that he, they and their product as presented over the years had helped them to sales of 50 million records planet-wide over the last 20 or so years the show was well worth the small effort made in standing in line to get what were pretty good seats I only wish I had taken my camera and that is where the story gets to be serious!
Alan Jackson put on what was one hell of a show with a line-up that included songs anyone in our area has had to have heard at one time or another if not the Space Station for that matter!
The man is truly a teller of stories that jog the memory and tweak the heart. The band of course is from several areas of the country including Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Carolina, Alabama specifically Birmingham and of course Alan Jackson who is from south of Atlanta!
I had lost my copy of greatest hits vol II with the fire that destroyed my Cadillac and like Jackson I may not have had a new Mercury but that was a loss that still stings my heart!
The man and his band members performance of their song Where Were You "when the world stopped turning" brought tears to my eye's considering not only the tragedy of the lives lost on 911 but the negative influence to put it mildly that catastrophic event had on so many lives including that of the lives in my own family.
My publishing this testimony to the public is not meant to make anyone feel that any event in their own life that they feel or know in their hearts is a worse loss than my own but I feel responsible for more than just myself here and the situation has become one of win now or forever hold your peace!
As well I don't feel that my job here on this earth is complete and that if and when I get to the next life what I have accomplished here on this earth will be as important then as it is now in the eyes of God and my Lord and savior Jesus Christ!
Letting this life rot for another six or sixty years because someone thought they had a better plan for my life is not what God intended for me or I would not be on this earth today!
I have survived some close calls and the last thing I want is for my name to be cast about on the rumors and ill feelings that people may have toward me over the construction or my inability to finish their homes because they had beleived those rumors when in fact I have been kept from the public interaction that nourishes the mind and soul for so long now that to have that go on would be a sin and the biggest sin involved would be to have people beleive that I was mentally incompetant to finish projects because of a problem that does not in fact exist and that is that I'm on something that did or continues to cause me to be as stated- incompetant!
The people that are ADHD and I have been since birth are not incompetant people with no real sense in fact the contrary is true we as a group simply have a different mental make-up that when medicated can help us to be productive successful individuals in ways that we only dreamed about in our youth and our children deserve to have the opportunity to begin at a younger age in the proper manner to have that same ability!
To look at my life over the last few years as it stands well it looks the exact opposite and I am in a position to make that appearance look flawed intentionally by people that though well intentioned have been led astray by their own reading, teaching and beleifs!
I beleive that that once I get to heaven in the way I hope is the right way that my ADHD and the other issues six years of tough love has brought will be corrected by my Lord and savior and his father almighty God but until such time I also beleive strongly that as an indepenant christian it is my duty to stand up to those that would beleive otherwise if that is indeed the case and it certainly appears that way from where I sit tonight and after experinecing the things I have experienced over the last few years!
I have been been tough loved almost to death except for the help of a few people and by the hindrance and harm of some others even if well intentioned. I can't let them off the hook so to speak and lay here in this house two or three weeks out of the month after having been assaulted verbally and mentally both in this house which is not mine and the one that I owned and cry my eyes out every time I visit because I was tortured in the dang thing and I mean tortured!
The bottom-line is that I have clients that blame me for not completing obligations to them and an actual attempt has been made in fact to make it look to any of those individuals that I consider as more than clients in the first place because they placed trust in me, not a name or a logo or a anyone else but me as the owner of a business to complete projects for them!over the last few years as our country has endured the loss of additional lives fighting an enemy and having to win wars more than once in one decade or at least one war!
Not to get off the subject but it is my opinion and stance that we have a fine President who if given the time and cooperation form both houses of congress with the military of our nation doing the fine job they are obviously capable of doing and with our many allies as partners the situation in the 1st War we have had to from news reports fight twice and is ongoing will be won as the Commander-in Chief has assured us!
As for the concert it was very much worth the hassle I faced on the way home that I once was told or as decision was made that greatly influenced my "state of mind" in a negative way concerning the scenario by which a person that is driving is impaired by others in the vehicle talking or evening arguing with the driver which it would appear that from the decision no one should ever have anyone in their vehicle or have a radio program on that they may or may not be agreeable to what is being said.
In any case it was stated that I an admitted person that occasionally talk to my self out loud but in any case had been talking to or had been arguing with someone that in fact was not in the vehicle with me by an individual testifying that had no knowledge of the situation other than strictly by the reading of the documents or had listened in on the situation that at the time was at a point that I feared for my own life.
I asked my father to keep those documents for me until such time as I had a case put together and he faxed them to my sister and she testified off of my notes on what was going on and my public defender did nothing to defend me as my father sat in the back of the court room as I looked over at him in dis-belief!
I feel that a hand writing expert could see that the documents my wife was forced to sign were signed with her under heavy stress! I feel she was forced to do so by my other than her own wishes!
I also know that on one occasion my wife was forced to push me to the limits as she was called away from home and upon her return had a look of I don't want to do what I am about to do and she stood on hthe other side of our living room as my son the youngest tried to start a fight with me and my wife stayed put letting me know she did not want to participate because she knew I had been harassed in that house that day to an extreme. My son smiled at me and let me know it was something other than it was and as stated my wife never approached me or laid a hand on me nor did my son and another person inadvertently did drive up and did not know what was happening but I want to leave them out of any more questioning because I love them dearly and they shouldn't be put through anymore questioning or ever have to be involved in this game of harass and destroy a life and lives again.
Last night I had a chance to get out and see that people are still living, loving and obviously working in this country something I can certainly know from watching the television and reading the newspaper something I can do with some comfort even living in a situation that is more like a house arrest than a life!
Six years is a long time to have your life only one or two weeks a month as your are verbally and mentally assaulted over and over because you are supposed to look like a mental patient that will not go to bed when in fact you are harassed out of the damn thing every time somebody wants to teach you a lesson and get their jollies at the same time!
Several people I love dearly have been involved and I feel they have been wrong or duped which may be basically the same thing but whatever the case if it was an intentional dislike for me compounded by a few rumors and some bad blood from those homes that could not be completed after Ivan because I was being forced on and off this and that medication then something has to give because it continues today and when I speak of Ephedrine I speak of it with a respect as something God put on this planet that is and has been instrumental in my own self-medication to the point I could have had one hell of a legacy to leave my children regardless of the economy or not because this country will survive and I I know the majority of Americans feel that way!
If not we would not have survived many much more challenging times in our history!
The people that want to change course every two years are insane! They also are the ones that hate our current president enough to run advertising on Television that portrays China as an Enemy and if we as a nation don't stop looking for enemies we will find ourselves ostricized from the rest of the world! Free Speech I understand but to portray a country as our enenmy ahead of time is insane!
The China of today is not the China of 50 yars ago and they are our partners an example is the company that provided some tainted dry-wall. They recently announced they would replace all of the tainted dry-wall if I'm not mistaken free of charge. Labor and materials I am not sure but the offer rings of a honorable and ethical company even to the casual occasional person that would see the report. Dig a little deeper or read a little deeper and the details may be of the more positive nature.
Citizens of this country remember just a few months ago or longer when the owner of the company that sold lead tainted toys I believe it was committed suicide over the shame he felt he had brought on his company by allowing that situation to come about. He wasn't trying to hide the fact obviously because he had the shame in his heart and burden so great from the situation that he took his own life for letting down even possibly his own country when it as a whole is making unbelievable strides in it's own destiny!
Our country has plenty of reasons to maintain and re-tool our military without making another member of this planet that is comprised of many people's an enemy to promote any political agenda or to sell military hardware we need anyway!
I personally have a battle of my own. I have that ADHD issue and depression to go with it not so much because of it but from the idea that my own reputation has been ruined by the actions of others to help me when if they had used positive reinforcement in lieu of storm trooper tactics less the storm troopers in most of the last six years I would not be sitting here after having seemingly being punished for going to a concert!
I don't have the expertise or the knowledge much less the nerves and the money to have my house and vehicle secured from techonology that if I spent every waking hour tearing my house apart I most likely would be run through the probate court system as in the past to prevent me from stopping what has nothing to do with anything but control and misguided ideas. The misguided ideas are that a person works in any condition necessary to do a job even if they can do that job better and/or do the job they love to do in a manner that lifts their family out of a ditch as President Obama hopefully wont mind me borrowing from a speech he so brilliantly gave today on a medication that makes it possible while at the same time I am left to decide how to explain that I don't want to be miserable in a state of shame and depression each month because I have been harassed like a common roach or field mouse that is your garage and since cheese isn't kryptonite to him you try to electrocute him or in my case harass me out of bed and make me feel ashamed and tired the next day or choose to use medication that I have worked my ass off to get on a schedule even with constant harassment and then intimidate me by saying that you'll be fired if you ask your doctor to make an exception and since you have gotten on schedule you deserve a shot at being maybe one of a 100 that are truthful!
The only problem is there anyone that knows that last night for example I was harassed on the way home from the concert for simply going in my own truck for what reason? A crime? Hell what crime could you commit that wasn't violent and unprovoked that would allow anyone to do such thing as was done last for six years!
I'm tired right now and I mad as hell that my county government has let me down as well as my State government and I hope not my national government!
I'm not sitting here because I want to be sitting here at this time of day or night actually because I want to be! I was going to bed and was harassed out of it by those two individuals I may have mentioned earlier after having taken sleeping meds and having prepared for the normal nightly barage of constant conversation against my will!
I got up came to my office only to have the verbal assault become louder at which time I knew what was expected and what was expected was to intentioanlly fail and have the verbal assault be lowered in volume immediately before any medication could take effect!
My God I was angry at these individuals and they have done this so long I don;t what to do because it has been so long only I know the truth and that is that they are insane, crazy family and friends that want me to suffer until I quit something that I would not be having a problem with if they were put in their place and that is up to the law!
I will suffer greatly next week because I did as I knew they told me and you the public are suppossed to beleive I am a drug addict or worse!
My family is where someone needs to start first because they simply refuse to tell the truth and for that I am suppposed to be insane!
My father was done wrong by his family when he lost his father and I'll be damned if I'm not supposed to believe it is him and I know my sister is one of the worst offenders that is documented where she insisted in court I was crazy and when I was to be released after a short stay in Alta Pointe the staff asked me if I wanted her removed because she went off on them for not wanting me held longer for no reason at all to my knowledge and my memory is pretty darn good!
I had given my Blue Cross card at admission on last minute dazed and disappointed act but one of desperation to hold my ground when I had been told that the State would pay for the admission.
Blue Cross sent me a letter that stated they wouldn't pay the damn bill because I didn't need to be in the hospital!
I am serious about these allegations and nothing in this case to this point going back six years gives me anything but the feeling that I have been done about as wrong as a person could be by a family that I thought had better sense and concern for another at the same time I feel my ex-wife was coerced into signing papers on me after my having been assaulted in this way in front of them I know they may be afraid to tell this but my own youngest son would keep his hearing aid turned down and make sure I knew that it was by turning it up when he came into a room to talk with me and left again the same way!
My mother has defended me in front of my father and my children ask about my mother and not my father!
I called my best friend in this county Saturday other than well he knows who it is and asked if they would consider their forcast for the next few months in their business which I had much success in when I self-medicated until it was no longer possible and by that time I had left to start my Company but I remain friends with them and I mean the whole family!
My father built a new home that I was to build and it would be a chance to get me on my feet. He personally was involved in harassing me in my home on Ridge-wood drive by some means and it was either live or taped or a combination of the two with no attempt to do anything but demean and make me feel as though I was nothing but an idiot as they would try to ask me questions about the damn plans while I was working on them and delaying me unit my medicine wore off and I was tired miserable and ashamed to have let them do this thing to me!
Every once in a while I have them let up on me in some ways just enough to get me out to make a fool out of me by means that seem more like poisoning than anything else!
I have either been drugged into submission with psychedelics because you do not or I have not had one damn problem on my ADHD medication with anything other than being harassed to the point I felt at one time a couple of years ago that I would only get the police to act if I did allow them to kill me on the medication but once you start to feel like you are going to die and somebody is yelling you are already dead and die die die to you you and even when you call 911 you get nothing but an ambulance that takes you too a hospital as you listen to the damn crap over loud speakers in the ambulance and let me tell you they haven't pushed to be paid!
That bill went to the end of the line when I got disability which I cancelled the first time and only reluctantly kept it going after I was duped into asking for a mood control medication and was drugged to the point I was answering questions by blinking my damn eyes in a stupor!
I can list some pretty powerful people in this county and if I do will it save my life or cost me life in a drugged out haze because I felt some freedom last night at a concert ? No it is because some folks have their priorities out of whack and have led a led me on a cow parade back and forth in one direction then the next while telling me one day how well I'm doing and when I start to get just up on my feet a little tewlling me I'm not doing something right tearing me down over and over unlike anything any person I would ever dream would be done in this country so if the police are our friends they will look at this in a different light instead of one that paints me as insane because this is the truth and there is more to this story that must be told!
They might want to consider this an act of violation of most every right we hold dear and go to the root of the problem way on back to settle once and for all because I'm tired of worrying about what these miserable people I love will do next and that is it my frineds and if you don't think I'm ADHD and think I'm crazy then you are just wrong! Please don't let this happen to anyone you know if you suspect it then ask the person if they are telling you the truth and get into their business a little but hopefully I'm just an isolated case because I've seen the insane people in this world and I just didn't fit even to the people that asked me why are you here anyway? The personnel that worked in the facility that is until the doctor puts you on some powerful drug that makes you look like a zombie and all you can pick up from the experience is to stay away from the ones that are crazy and hope you can figure out how to forgive the people that made your situation such that you would have to ask them anything but it is amazing how you can tell somebody to get a job and do everything you can to prevent them from doing so!
It beats anything I've ever seen! It would amaze you too if you thought it was true and if you don't I feel sorry for you because it is the truth my friends!
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
Unfortunately my wife and I are no longer married but remain friends and she congratulated me tonight on having the traffic to this site that I have and for that I am grateful of her and miss her even after this much time because she has tried in ways to let me know even to the point of reading a bible verse to me the morning I was taken to probate the first time that "stated that the enemy is all around" should I say more! I love you Valerie.
P.s.- Again I'm tired for no good reason other than to entertain some folks so excuse the grammar.
I hope it leads me too Freedom because I have a life to live!
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