To WPMI-15, I went pill shopping yesterday no maybe it was the day before and my Suda-Fed 24 one-a-day is a neccessary situatation because some body I luv thinks there aint no such thang as ADHD never has!
To correct my previous post on having "Sex with animals and woman" well in Bama I thank we can at 16 but most of us have a little earlier but I'm just saying I was married to one that was gettin with another one and that is a ok with me!
The bottom-line is the blond mentioned in the 1st and this post was if not of age at the Elementary school was my age and she did drive the car that my oldest son was conceived in! now ever body straight!
She is and was the coolest well both were and are!
No she didn't become my wife the one I didn't marry. She ran off to Mississippi never to be heard from again.
It was the fourth blond that I dated I married the second time! Twice!
We have been divorced twice too but I'm workin hard don't tell her boyfriend because from what I hear he don't need no more trouble in his life but I did break her up and forgo a date with girl the second time I met her at my best friends house that I can't decide if If he's my friend or the devil now!
Where was I. Oh I was trying to soothes some poor SOB's nerves and honor my second wife's name!
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
While I am at it. Hell no she didn't steal any money from the home building Company and buy any damn condo's! If she did somebody loan me a gun so I can blow my brains since the truth was kept from me for several years. I couldn't shoot her cause I love her so damn much!
Now there is something to take your minds off the fellow in Mobile that's worried about face book! As for me after all these years especially after the last 5 or 6 -
frankly my dear friends and neighbors "I don't give a damn"!
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