Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thank God! Again! Happens all the time!


I woke up this morning jumped out of bed started running around thinking it's Monday!

Then I Realized it's "not" Monday! It's Sunday, and I thought Thank God!

Not because I was upset about having to go to work and open the store here for Battleship Marine but because "I'm not ready to have the best service and products" on-site other than a whole lot of "Yard Sale" Items!

I will have the Marine Supplies, my Computer Inventory System and a smile on my face by next week-end I promise you that!

The store will be open next week every day from 9 to 5:30 except Monday morning I have a Doctor's appointment and every day from 12:30 to 1:30 for lunch unless we have to adjust that for other people's lunch!

Lunch? I'll try to close for lunch. LOL! In some kind of good way for those that can.

I want to go boat riding today and think about God. That has always been a choice over church for me to make some of you will understand and no offense to those that don't cause you had your day too or I hope to God you still do actually I hope the living and the ones we are going to see read this!

Have a great Sunday!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

-Floyd C. Wooley

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