Friends and fellow Americans!
My Dumb Ass finally after Seven years has the loop hole in writing by which a potential crime may be committed in they name of two different subjects or muddy the waters to point that a person is left standing there ground in a what at time is not just a set of circumstances but a clear and present danger to the freedom we enjoy by use of deception as the foundation! O'kay I'm trying to approach this in a manner that is not misconstrued and for some reason I feel like a few thousand people at least have already made up their minds on my situation which is fine but even if you have a negative view of me keep mind that many young people out here don't have the experience to know that hearing voices is just about impossible without some electricity or some batteries!
Legal wording in a published setting has been my goal first that would give what i have looked at as winnable by three touchdowns in a court of law but not with out a good foundation of evidence.
Shire puts it boldly in their company literature regarding the harassment that persons that have to take narcotics such as Lora tabs and stimulants like Amphetamines and Ritalin among the many other pain/nerve and focus agents that man has modified only slightly in some cases from it's natural form to solve medical and Physchological conditions that I prefer to call them because a psychological condition maybe terrible in nature to experience especially once you find that you indeed were a person that had the symptoms but you were told by so many family members that it was just all in your mind that later in life when the chips were down the FDA would take and action that would make an 5000 year-old Chinese herb almost so polluted or adulterated that it would be impossible to continue to use with success like you had for ten to twelve years before stated dilution that actually takes the patient on path that splits and goes two different direction to a cure for several different miserable physical and psychological conditions!
Like I said I knew the technology to blow your mind was available in 1993 when I attended a Pink Floyd concert in New Orleans and remarked afterwards to everyone I came in contact with by telling them the sound was so clear that it melted the wax in my ears and was so loud it mesmerised my attention with awe!
The next piece of evidence that I had retained for years was a story ten years or so ago regarding a tiny camera that an Israeli firm was developing that could be used to be swallowed by the patient and travel the leng of your digestive tract while sending back data on your systems condition on it's journey.
The other piece of technology needed that would make an outdoor portion or even another internal tool that can be used to put a puzzle together that blows people's minds that have experienced it and they don't have to be put through the brain washing propaganda that can be tuned in to one's senses from ten different directions indoors or outdoors and if you happen to live where a slight majority can be shown that is against a substance because the majority or at least the one's of the community that proibition seemed like a nusinace and something you might better support publicly or be the subject of at that time was mere prejudice by a few that wen't beyond the bounds of normalcy and with all due respect I have never understood or would defend because of the ADHD mind I have which finds a subject sometimes that it is interested in because of it's flash in your face as being a wrong and if you had relationships although short or not as great in number because of where you live and the fact the people that were most tormented by a country's fore-father's that had grown up with slavery and the direct and with prejudice taking of rights and lives on a much more intense scale than the crime rate has ever effected our nation even in the period of time approximately from 1930 to 1940 because of the policies of Hoover that broke the banks and the crime wave of the 1980 to 1990 that was again based on money and a bad drug!
Now we have the set up once again in a different context but of importance because life is a puzzle and when your are ADHD your not a damn liar because truth of the matter is that I have a cell phone message saved and lost but the man that said those words was the most honest person I have ever known when it came to the subject of the mind and joked in the message that a college professor had said once that every American could benefit from a little Ritalin each morning and if it were the last stimulant on the planet I would take it til I died because it may not be the one that solves ten or fifteen minor conditions just well enough not to have to take suda-fed in lieu of some miserable mixed up bronkaid that might help somebody!
That brings me back to the point! Somebody jumped the gun on me thinking I had a 357 magnum that was unlicensed when it was really a 25 automatic that I bought my wife as a kid and never bought a license for and who knows where it is because I didn't start taking anything on a regular basis that helped my life be consistent til I sat down to do some paper work after taking some white crosses to get from one job to another when I was younger alive and BAM! I was able to focus twice as much and organize to a percentage I had never even imagined that I could do and it never had to be raised in dose I had to adjust it myself til I found something that worked and Damn I just let it slide because I was dumb and had no idea the FDA was gonna screw up my life worse than crack!
Now the loop hole cause I have a delivery to make!
In my Cross manual for this 2011 year under the section that I actually find harder and harder each day cand passing month of my life to believe in! Except in the case of a couple of things out there and for God's sakes this nicotine and Coke because it is the real thing and I mean Coca cola this therapy or rehab I have faced is a damn joke and it uses a loop hole!
Substance abuse: The uncontrollable or excessive abuse of addictive substances, such as (but not limited to) alcohol, drugs, or other chemicals and the resultant physiological and the resultant physiological and/or psychological dependency that develops with continued use.
*Note: I am addicted to nicotine and those cokes and I have to say a sleeping pill can be because it took a week after I quit to get some sleep so I keep it to a minimum because the only thing worse than not being able to sleep is not being able to hold it six hours! I'm so sick of this next loop hole that allows the hater's of the world to make us lover's miserable as hell!
Teleconsultation: Consultation, evaluation, and management service provided to patients via telecommunication systems without personal face to face interaction between the patient and health care provider. Teleconsulations include consultations by e-mail or other electronic means.
We, us Our: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama.
You, Your: The subscriber or member as shown by the context.
*The words above are written with the "loop hole" being that any type of technology that comes on the market short of an electric stun collar that goes around your neck under the skin after you have been drugged and had your rights taken away not only is possible but is listed as acceptable except that Blue Cross doesn'
t invoke the "we don't accept responsibility for the pain and suffering a witch doctor on a witch hunt that is a sadist and uses testing and techniques that are not real world or disables some poor son of a bitch worse than if he had cut his own throat with a rusty knife dipped in chicken blood! Wireless technology that is cheaper and much smaller in size and easilt rearrangeable to suit certain needs of the so called management team that works in shift.
Page 51 Blue Cross Total Blue Manual
Page 44 Health Plan Termination
1.) If we decide to discontinue offering this product, we may elect to terminate your plan ( which will terminate your coverage and the coverage and the coverage and all your dependents) by giving you at least 90 days prior written notice. If we offer other health products in the individual market. we will give you the option to purchase any of these other products without regard to your health status or the health status or health status of your dependents.
Patriots and lovers of the freedom of choice and that are pro-life we can save a million people times a hundred over the next hundred years by treating our young adult with the right ADHD medication and just tell them don';t say no to all drugs or one that after two months it hasn't improved their income, grades in school or helped them stay in a relationship a little longer and happier before some nut case or fruit cake in the name of a fraudulent and deceptive play on words against people that think nothing like that could ever be done in a free country because we don't treat anyone harshly well let me tell you I know a poor girl from Silver hill that was tortured using this same system in a small facility in Mobile and I've seen it used in the same place that Geronimo was held in Mt Vernon for a month and if were any less a hospital and more a prison we could just call it the Pen! I'm sure Geronimo did because I would bet my life he was one ADHD man noting the hole he walked in the floor at Fort Pickens and damn! Have A nice life but send this to your congressman and if I'm the last person to know this well the jokes is on me because these people are terrorists!
I need your help to get this story out and that of anyone that has ever been held in the grip of a drug that was not what they were supposed to be on so pharmaceutical form may give them the opportunity to be the next!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley!
Welcome to my blogs! I hope you will find something Interesting and Visit my Retail Store in Fairhope, Alabama- Battleship Marine! SEC gifts will be Featured on this page with Nautical gifts featured on the gulf Coast Girls Page and your business, service or item for-sale on the Let's Buy or Sell page with of course Marine Hardware, Trailer Parts and Engine parts featured on the Battleship Marine page. I'll Reminiscence on the Classic page and Coastal page!
Floyd C Wooley
Floyd C. Wooley Enterprises
Friday, April 29, 2011
Bombs away! You can read the last few paragraphs of this post your eye's will be open- I hope I'm not the last one to know!
Posted by
Battleship Marine
3:05 AM
Adderall XR,

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