Saturday, April 30, 2011

ADHD: Fact or Fiction? Already proven. However!


Over the last few days I've been taking an Orange and Blue pill with S489 on the Orange side and 70 on the Blue side! If it makes any difference to anyone with al the other goings on in the world whatever that may be because I have a hard time believing just about any damn thing at unless it is at face value.

I've just had a few too many wonderful experiences which really means I've had my share of bad and I can pretty much imagine anything else that could wind up coming out right wrong or indifferent or some shit like that. I'm trying to stay ahead of somebody that is just as crazy as I am if not right now as I type so please excuse the grammar mistakes and if I'm right so be it and if I'm wrong then shot me and it's a shame I have to say it in this manner because somebody Will think I'm angry about something and it means a lot at least to me personally for that not to be taken as the gospel.

You shouldn't take what I say as the gospel either but I do have something to say that at best is controversial and I'm so miserable right now that some people have made a potentially wonderful life into a miserable one that I could throw up but I better not say that cause damn I'm not nauseated either right now but who knows I be in a little while!

I hope you get this post because as far I know I could be just wasting my time or at times at least.

The world sure loves to put out all kinds of information on one subject and who knows if I'm the devil delivering the awful news that something has killed me or I'm actually delivering the message that I want too that what has happened in m,y life and the choices I've made have really not done me in!

Confused? You would be too!

I'm sorry for one thing though I let a customer down and it wasn't antibody's fault but mine- I think!

Now do you really need to hear that I have something to say about ADHD for us folks that have been through a lot of hell but not enough to satisfy some other's for reasons that sure escape me?

I don't know right now if it would be a big surprise anyway but I may get a chance one day if I live long enough and as I told someone the other day I'd love to double this 45 and have the mind capacity that I have now to go with like it or not and have a successful business again if it means that I get too do what I want to do and use the money to help who I want to help and not who I most likely don't have much concern for myself.

Now is that a crime? I hope not cause it seems to be right now inside this home I live in that is also a business office and a retail store that should be open as the hours are listed on my Marine page and I need some help making all this happen as I have it lined up in my mind each and every day. Just not when I have ben through some hell. It takes a week to get over being duped and neutered and forever after that for the month to get by and what little I get done in that time is just enough to make it one hell of a miserable experience too so that's about it from the world at this address.

I did have a nice lady and her son stop by today. As well I had some time to read and the ability to sit there and actually do it under heavy pressure to be perfectly frank!

If you are an Adult and don't know this get you some ADHD medication and go Love somebody quick but slowly and save the world from something but go quickly to a safe place or you might get blasted and that would be a shame because you wouldn't know that it was the truth!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! I guess.

Floyd C. Wooley

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