Right now! Right here in a place that looks and has always felt like camelot more than just a place or area to live a man lives!
Just one man and a cat and a dog that is here for him to love and she is here to love and fuss at me. Now the cat? She is my daughter's and I love the cat but she is a pain in the butt but that's okay cause she is just spoiled too.
Now this man has a problem. Not one that he has the mind to even discuss much less the time or motivation - hell even the mental energy to fill out a complaint for a warrant to be issued most of the month and this has gone on for seven years and damn he's living on disability and it's a lie he wants out of if possible before the culprits as my wife used to call them before she left get away with murder of the mind!
Oh it sounds so out of this world and I have so much bottled up ambition to do so many things with my life that it makes me look bad enough to get the medication that works and i've been afraid to say something straight enough to draw the attention of amnesty international but after seven years what I need is not a priest to exorcise a demon but actually NATO!
Ten years ago even I would have thought I was crazy and I think anything is possible! But I tell you this I live in a world where heckeling is a 24/7/365 experience and a medication that makes us that are ADD or ADHD better people and happier too is used against us so much that we want to jump up on a mountain and ask our neighbors to please understand even if they were living in a home that had a man or woman or even a little child being harassed and in the process that person not only has lost 7 years that were needless years to lose because being accused of everything but being jack the ripper and your only crime is that you have been diagnosed and treated for a condition that you don't realize how bad it affects your life until you aren't that hyper out of control know it all that doesn't realize why but for some reason all of a sudden a little white pill called the white cross changes your life for such a wonderful way that you don't even realize how much it has changed you until it is taken away from you and your forced to live in a world for a short time that was more innocent than evil yet your called every day of your life your a liar by some expert with a little bit more technology than god will allow and your really more of a self proclaimed patriot in your own mind because you know the truth!
Yes the truth my friends! What is the truth? That every last person on this planet that "tells their children that drugs are evil is one day going to have to face the truth in a pharmacy line that the poor people around you although proud and in pain or misery from working their fingers to the bone or that have some awful disease that the drugs in that pharmacy may be many and have a different effect on this person or that one but when you find the one that works and it saves your life in some way shape or form but your whole life you lived in a drug war that should have been a drug therapy session like hitting a dad-gum peace pipe may just have been or is to the native americans- soothing! Well somebody or maybe speaking through a damn loud speaker the size of a pin point just distracted me and all that jazz but folks as you look around you in that pharmacy and you think "Thank God" for this medicine I'm about to get that for years had no ill effect on me but now it is not even the one I used to call a white cross and my friends said "man doesn't that stuff make your skin crawl and you say back to them no actually it focuses me and helps me concentrate and in doing so fills some primal need to run like the wind and wear yourself out for nothing to the point you actually buy a computer because you can affford it and the once impossible to pass course you took on the original windows opens up a world that your mind now craves to soak up the information almost like a sponge where once in your life you actually asked yourself time and again what can I do with my life to make a difference in my childrens life so that when I'm gone they and my parents who had worried about hurricanes destroying their way of life could if not during my life maybe not have to worry so much years later to a teenager finds themselves embroiled in a war over a medication they had taken for years that is now being decepitvely used as a weapon becuase the once calm and peace you gained from it has been turned into a way to torment your thirsty mind and no i'm not sitting here lazily waiting my time out on this planet because my faith says that "man is to use his mind and his time wisely even if he has to live in wired house or even a wired body that we lie to our children when they are young and tell them that what God gave us is all poison!
Even Sex! Well that lie is pretty well by the simple but serious command our lord made to us all to be go and be fruitful!
It is hard not admire president Lincoln because he certainly wasn't ADHD or ADD becuase we either hate to read and just like to do it til it's our best or we plan it and plan it again and love to slow down to a cruising speed on a medication that our poor children can't decide for themselves if they like to put it on cruise or if they are supposed to just be themselves even if after they have had cruise control and can just keep it ten miles an hour over the speed limit some miserable souls come into their lives and say well you made that decision to have cruise control and I know you can't decide if you feel guilty for having it or happy as hell that you have it so we are gonna take it away because like we always told you they don't let people in China have cruise control which is a lie because that is where cruise control grows right out of the ground!
Yeah we are the cruise control police and we have something now to make everybody look like they are crazy because who wants to spend all their pent up energy that now is focused on finding what you said for the last three weeks "what's the use i'm just burned out from hearing these voices that is the biggest damn lie you ever heard for real!
So who do you call? The people at Shire or maybe the people at concerta but they are on the same team competing for a starting job on the enlightened world that I stand in line trying to figure out how do I tell my kids that if you take this it may save your life like it did mine for 10 or twelve years but watch out for the cruise control police because they have taken all the fun out of even getting your license to drive!
I just told you the truth and I hope you can handle it cause I think most of us have some sense!
Defiance? It can be a wonderful thing for your side and it can for mine too if we have our cruise control so we don't use buck shot on that poor little quail by accident!
So who do you call ghost buster's or the police? I think it's somebody from Oxford! They did put out a report that both Ephedrine and Amphetamin's are something that are less harmful than maybe some folks had preached to us our whole lives was worse than a rattle snake!
So friends hen it looks like i'm in a hurry writing these warnings and offering a glimmer of hope for some of us if we stick together it's not because I'm manic or high it's most likely because I was defiant last night and said damn-it I'm gonna get this done cause if I don't I might never get another chance!
Depacote? Good god if it doesn't plug you up it will shut up or screw up something you love!
Yes I'm in a hurry to get a message out cause I have something else planned and have for seven years and it isn't some fantasy so no matter what you have heard I might not be an angel but I sure ain't the devil's advocate!
That is it cause my five year plan is behind schedule and it ain't because of drugs it is because somebody thinks drugs kill! They didn't kill for ten to twelve years they saved my life and that is the god's honest life so doctor's have some mercy on us cause we do want to sleep!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
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Floyd C Wooley
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