Friday, July 15, 2011

Announcement regarding the Alabama Girls Site!


I want to post this explanation regarding my decision to NOT try to have the Alabama Girls site which is adult in nature and a tribute to the person aforementioned on that site as well as the beauty of the human person and spirit through artistic and whatever you want to call it but as for me it is not something I would have tried to do in the first place without my own unwritten ethical and moral stance toward certain issues that need no explanation at this time.

I'll work on that site with my I.T. people once we get some other issues out of the way that come first so that when it is on-line it will be in the good taste and meets the privacy of visitor's that we all may not realize have the ability to out wit us in the 1st place and let's not say who they are cause they may have to outsmart the Chinese one-day! Enough said.

This free and share and share-alike stuff isn't going to fix the economy any damn way but thank God some of you still do! LOL!

I'm still waiting on my legal opinion anyway and unfortunately I haven't asked for one yet due to the economy!

Don't worry though I don't think we have reached the point of no return the Roman's did in their civilization and I doubt very seriously it was art that brought them down it was most likely arguing over money to the point they woke up one day and realized the barbarians had cut off their credit and shut down checking account due to fee's that even their mathmeticians didn't get a chance to look at before they over ran Rome!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Hell let's keep knowledge on here as long as the Internet is still available cause my old encyclopedia's have taught me as much as they can! LOL!

Floyd "Cliff" Wooley

P.S.- Does anyone know my password to Facebook?  Face-book let Hugh have a special section on your site til Utah approves his club and lord let's Miller in Wisconsin or wherever they need those licenses to operate!
We don't want to go back to prohibition on anything quite yet! One false move and the lady with the bat might come to life! Just ask Sear's! LOL! The folks down at Coke have a few history lessons to teach on what I'm talking about I think! I could have used one of those original cokes on my wisdom tooth the other night! Thank God for those folks from Shakespeare's homeland if you know what I mean!

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