Friday, July 15, 2011

Sorry I haven't.......................


Sorry I haven't had time to research the latest ways to derail the ADHD mind cause I'm still dealing with the one's that somebody said don't exist as human as human!

I'm sure their are plenty of new tricks up the sleeves of those that would and please remember when you do derail us your hurting the damn economy!


Cause we make up a pretty large block of this world's population and of course this countries so if we go down as a race of mammels it might just hurt you where it hurts the most!

Who knows the President in twenty years might be a black-Indian woman that is ADHD and was born in the 52nd State of Polynesia and that would be a shame especially if she's a lesbian that does'nt hate the rest of us!

Well why the hell not? Because somebody said damn your not ADHD your insane!

God Bless, Peace, love and Knowledge!

Floyd "Cliff" Wooley

Lord I need to find a way to take the pastor of the church over here in Fairhope fishing that sings about Love and Life! Maybe we could find a way to laugh about something! Val call me!

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