What the Hell happened to pills in this country?
Dr. Barrett used to give me a five freakin month's supply of pills in the 90's I couldn't take!
Oh yeah the Zanax worked. The Ambien worked. Even the Librex for my Irritated bowel- so damn good I almost gave up my pure old white crosses! They worked like a charm and I still went to sleep in less than 20 minutes on a damn 1/2 Ambien and the Zanax I quit because I couldn't go to sleep without them and who can sell 80 houses in two years as an example half sedated?
Now half asleep on my white crosses? No Problemo! Just pop three while your gettin the client a cup of coffee and they smoke a cigarettee and your good to go til you get home!
Then you pop three more and do the work that selling three houses a day prevents you from gettin done at work!
God do any work aholics or contractors, business people that know what it takes to succeed still live in this country?
I mean damn. I worked 7 days a week then polished up on my white crosses to the point I could work 6 and be home by 8:30 most nights!
Then by God I started my own builing business and I knew what Charlie meant! One hobby was almost too much. It was either (Family,sex,kids) or (Football or Fishing)! I know what he gave up but I ain't telling! It damn sure wasn't Sex- No offense Donna Sue! Charlie you'd understand for God's sakes! Your my mentor and hopefully the only one that ever get's in my head!
Dan good Lord man next time tell the poor son-of-bitch he might as well comit suicude if we turns 40 and we get an eight reprublican!
If President Clinton was President I think all these drugs would work and honestly I think Senator McCain likes it in the Senate! No disrespect but I would too!
President O'bama they Mr. Reicht already let the proverbial cat out of the bag on your deal with the republicans but hey he is a hero of mine as well so figure out some way to let the Republicans have the lime light so us victims of the 00 decade that respectfully are still alive can have 1 more chance to get the shit we need to be successful before our children learn a different idea that all of us and I do mean all of us out here feel and that is we were happier working our asses off!
Now I'm on a damn Ambien and who knows what it would take to knock my ass out but I sure hope isn't my Vyvanse because I'm counting on it too kick my ass out the door before coffee!
I might have to turn around because I forgot somethin but that's living and right now my shops closed until I take an Ambien to work and a Vyvanse to sleep!
Shire sue me or somebody and get this speed pill right! We are counting on you! God Speed and Hail to the queen!
I sure need one cause mine might have been dosing me the whole time! I wouldn't mind at least I had something and was gettin her done!
Warning if you are under 21 and read this you may not understand! It's half-joke and half-a-plea!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
P.S.- I know I'm not the only one cause I gave two people shires number today! Help 'em work for God's sake!
P.S.S.- Forgive the non-editing of this blog rant cause I think my Ambien's kickin in- Thank God for what it cost and don't hold Vyvanse responsible or Shire because I'm still waiting on that shipment to the coast with a whole lot of other people!
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