Friday, December 17, 2010

Waking up with some jerk talking some shit! God Bless The little man!


I take pills! Adderall that is gold for the use of those of us with the guts to try to do so in a world filled with denominations of our own religion that hate our guts and belittle us in ways some of you wish were not possible but those ways are possible.

Your home is an open door for harassment beyonf the meaning of that word and it far surpasses "sex" as a danger to you and your family coming in over an internet copnnection you have every chance in the wotld to filter!

Now I'm being led to beleive something I would depend on the same way you would depend on anything else as shown on Television or whatever the Hell is a dependence that puts me to sleep?

Let's do this in the ADHD world let's be brutally honest! And propose a Toast to ourselves as not as dumb as our so-called Christian brother's and sister's would have us to fell we are.

It is 10:36pm on 12-17-2010!

The next time you get your bottle protect it with your life while you are awake! Before you fall asleep make damn sure you pass that bottle and it's remainder of what was really in fact what you thought it was off to the next ADHD person and tell them the same damn thing I said "don't fall asleep untill you have done every last thing on your list including passing it on to someone else and post it to the non-beleiving and in some cases christian world!

Now let's see don't ask don't tell? Sounded okay in the 90's to a man I admire and who knows what the hell he was trying to accomplish but it sure wasn't a lie to be used to pervert our National military it was to protect the lives of those that wanted to serve their country!

In doing so they could indeed serv e their country they just had to lie well maybe I'm wrong since i'm such an idiot and that hasn't been proven yet except I do have plan to die with my guts!

God Bless the truth and if God has a miserable life planned for me for being a christian hell stike me down in bolt a lighting not by the hand of man!

I would love to have seen that Star that was in the East the wise men followed to see our Savior's place of birth because I'm crazy enough to say right here, right now that I don't neleive it was a damn  Star! Forgive the hell out of me for being such an Ass because of my own beleifs that include that not one man on this planet should be treated badly nor that any other intelligent life should be dealt with but with the greatest care available because even that no offense to my creator in putting it lightly is covered in the greatest collection of rules and guideline every compiled that I have had a chance to study in any great or limited time depending on who you are and what your degree of knowledge of it's contents and origination are and to those that think I'm insane who do you think you are?


Give us all a break and god save me and anyone that has the guts to open their mind and write what they really think!

Adderall! Shire or whoever the hell you are you my friends I should have let you know directly what my feelings are because I'm a survivor willing to give his life to a cause that has been perverted by members of my community that I don't care to name until I can get the hell out of here alive and somewhere that does'nt beleive in playing games with the mind and your name!

Shire if you knew what had been done here, would you want to know? Would you give a damn? would you contact one person as an individual and ask "what the hell is going on"? Or would you pass over one customer and continue on letting a part of the world, any part be led to beleive a lie?

I sure hope not!

I sure can't write anymore of a controversial and dangerous article and try to get it out in this world than I have just written! I hope the right people respond other wise there will be hell to pay for no reason other than to to pervert the truth which my savior hates in the opposite direction and salvation depends on something hell I'm running out of steam here so yes I went back to edit this and add this just to piss off those that think anyone including a person I used to admire that said "God Damn" all the time and made a living selling everything from a trailer part to the best damn boat made of wood you would ever want to purchase well the point is I hope and pray he is in heaven if not still alive but he would be close to 100 right now so God bless him too!

To me that is playing God and an unchristian thing to do to anyone so help me god!

God Bless, Peace, love and knowledge!

-Floyd C. Wooley

P.s.- Supposedly I will offend someone with my words and so be it! Because sometimes in life to straighten out and solve a riddle you are led to feel is being forced on you a person must offend someone not kill them with your idiotic means!

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