Thursday, December 16, 2010

Freedom of speech and defense of a way of life and England!


"I don't know how to pull yourself up by your boot straps without getting fucked in the ass!"

If that language is too strong for you then you live in a fantasy world beyond anything you've ever known and I for one do understand! It's still funny as hell to think is possible yet sounds so absurd and un-American!

Who knows where the unabridged term originated, unedited or what the Fuck!

Now can I still call myself myself and fell as though I'm a Christian in your eye's for saying that in the first line?

Who cares what you think because "I beleive in something so much more incredible than what a word of slang means that I don't give a damn just praise god and pas me some ammunition to my freinds in Great Britain that know that term is said in the States about your strength and determination during one of your wars that you would have one just out of pure spite for your enemy even if our country had done nothing!

You English would have fought door to door to the death in defense of your country if it had been invaded in some old fashioned way and to that "I salute you"!

-Floyd C. Wooley
Fairhope, Alabama
United States of America

p.s.- If anythin I have posted is online check out my posts for god's sakes and defend that right to do that or forever be held in bondage and you know what I mean I hope!

*I wish I could volunteer to save England and thanks for your help Oh England for being there for this country which I would like to save from something!




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