Friday, December 17, 2010

To all person's that know or don't know I have a site and if I commited to.....

To all person's that know or don't know I have a site and if I commited to place your advertising to sell "let's sell something or if I you would like to buy something from us that would like to sell something the site has not been placed online with your advertising to my knowledge which means it hasn't been placed online with the right person's knowledge and therefore as to my knowledge I haven't completed my job and who the hell could under the crap I'm trying to let the world know is the truth on this page!

So if you know an ADHD person that is falling under a veil of sleep they most likely have been depressed using the ability of a group of people to distort and pervert the truth so help me God!

To prove that I would love to have some direct contact with the people that it would mean the most too to do just that prove that crap can cause depression and that medication can be altered once the poor son of a bitch goes to sleep!

I've tries to show you that can happen in pictures, words and if you were my neighbor you'd see it plainly unless I pissed you off based on your beleifs but please give me the benifit of the doubt on that accord because I just have long held deep convictions based on my own determination of our own writings!

I'll have "let's sell somethin!" online for the people that I feel or have committed to doing so as soon as possible!

Maybe then someone will but something from that ad or maybe they won't but I hope so to benifit us all in someway, shape or form!

By the way I have no idea on this windows 7 if I'm getting out or not and little time to find out since I feel like "sleeping beauty" in reverse order of beauty on what is left of my Shire with some mixed bag of yellow jackets that only Shire could be the one to tell me and I'd beleive that it was the truth and to Ty Pennington "do something man"! It means more than you may know but how the hell could be because your no idiot and neither am I just a little antagonistist!

God Bless Peace, Love and knowledge!

-Floyd C. Wooley


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