Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I want to marry my dog!

Yorkshire TerrierImage by doc_ralph via Flickr

Friends and especially Dog Lover's,

I want to marry my dog! Why not? Let me just give an example before my coffee kicks into a different gear my insanity!

Last night for example. I had several bad dreams after struggling to get to sleep in the first place.

By the way when I say "struggle to go to sleep". I mean damn after three Equate Tylenol Pm's and a klonopin because my 50.00 a pill Ambien aint a bit better than what I just listed and for what reason who knows?

Don't blame it on Vyvanse their out of stock!

Maybe it's the damn Cymbalta but after I take it I just feel like I have no brain function and sleep is what I want but I have to past the hyper it brings on first so "what the hell"!

Anyway back to Annabelle my future bride better known as Boo Boo! Every time I wake up or woke up she not knowing I just had a dream that last nights "you know what I mean" list of parts mainly consisted of my ex-wife telling me what a wonderful life she had now! For Pete's sake!

The point of the matter is that each night that I have such dreams and when I awake for some reason with on no Que my beautiful Yorkshire Terrier scoots her little butt up to me for no reason and it soothes my mind like a gift from a God wrapped into a eight pound bundle of love! Sometimes she'll as we are trying to get to sleep and find our comfort zone she'll jump up run over and throw herself in sideways against my back and that soothes my mind as well!

Oh you'd have to be there and if your a dog lover too and female we might could hit off in Carmel California cause they love dogs too or let's just make Fairhope, Al. home and the Carmel of the South!

I'm sure your dog and my dog would get along fine!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley

P.S.- Hit me up on Face book! Send me a picture of my dog and I'll send you one of mine! Let's don't speed date though "I have a hard time keepin up when I'm on speed cause it makes me want to "slow down just a bit and think" like it's supposed too- Thank you very much! Peace!
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