Friday, July 15, 2011

Last night an Angel this morning a ridiculous excuse for a sales pitch!


Last night I talked with an Angel at Shire. This morning a person obviously promoting a non-truth called to pitch one in the dirt for Barr! I hate to see such a person claim employment, knowledge and then make a claim of Shire Pharm owning, producing and selling an inferior product from it's own facility the generic made by Barr that many have said is as so! Hell no it aint Adderall XR by Shire and if you haven't compared the two you should and afterwards call your family members that depend on life saving medications and tell them that I am either a liar or that good lord "dear loved one" how much more would cost for your Name brand Trade mark originally researched and developed medication? Then help them buy it or ask them too so they have the benefit of it's life saving effect if that is the case!

I wrote a piece a couple of months ago when I spent the additional money and was so thrilled to have the chance to remind myself what I had already known to begin with that I stopped by my doctor's office and gave my doctor's nurse a hug upon finding the Shire product in Mobile and experiencing not only no ill physical effects but clear and present positive effects that I haven't known in months and that doctor had specifically told me would be the case if I had the Shire product as another reminder in writing on my prescription only a month prior only to have that blown off locally by a person in a pharmacy. Lord I wish them no ill will but the caller Today?

A Shire representative this morning had choice words for such a person to make such a claim in call that too me at first was just seen as harassment by communication- they used another term more intense in it's legal nature but that is for the Company officials to decide when the message and phone number is passed to them Today!

The piece I wrote a couple of months ago or so wasn't my best writing now that have reread it but who the hell knows as Senator McCain mentioned in a tweet concerning his concern over cyber terror and my reply "God Speed" because I have enough trouble keeping my sites up and after rereading my piece I wish I had the money to make an original copy of each of my posts but the bottom-line is Shire will help you work, Love and relate and their other research projects may save someone's life but I'm just a home-builder on his home computer letting people know a true story and it goes back many years but right now Shire is trying to save only a part of life and I as a democrat applaud the Medicare for approving the use of a drug that cost 93,000.00 to extend a man's life 4 month's by having the use of a drug for prostrate cancer!

I hope the FDA is getting the message loud and clear that we want to live, work, love and relate to our family member's as well and as long as possible when they are involved in the Health Care Debate!

Senator McCain I enjoy your writing and thanks to shire I can do that on a prescription medication as well as on the over the counter medication that is no longer available in my state that may have cost me some sleep but sure helped me sit, focus, concentrate and do so at home and at work or jump up and handle a project or problem in a calm well thought out way that enhanced my life and that of my families for quite a few years back in the 90's and until someone thought a few nights of rest were worth the loss of a dream business and family over the old belief that a man or woman could handle any issue without such a medication.

Now let's save the lives of those that are afraid of admitting they are ADD, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Depressed or otherwise by erasing the idea that self-medication of any kind is a crime and a shame and let those people feel comfort in the fact one pill isn't going to become just an addiction to relieve addiction whatever it may be and afford people the benifit of the doubt on television in our news reports by an official government stance that yes we may be doing something the wrong way but it's okay to ask for help and not a life of constant pressure to say our life has been something it has not!

How many millions of you out there feel this way? I hope I get this out and it is understood as not a message of let's let people on the street manage those conditions with medications that someone conjured up or had to figure out by trial and error over the counter but a message that it's okay to take medication now that will make life in hindsight and to our families seem much more of a joy than a subject to use as one to talk about each other at family gatherings when in the later times in our life we will have to not feel fear when told this drug we must take will cure a disease that we can't see but our symptoms and test results show may kill us or in fact will do so!

I for one hope we all can be as the congressman I wish I could recall his name and stand up now for everyone's right to be treated as possibly not in the narrow 10% as drug addicts but just mis or undiagnosed!
Over the counter or at the health food and herbal medication store or even if so forced by being overlooked in the decisions of the FDA. That 10% may not need a drug but what if 40% of us do? Do you want to be told your whole life of success was a mistake in judgement or do you want to be given the benefit of the doubt?

I for one do and hopefully have proved my point in my life so that I can move forward as I wish I may have several years ago and many years ago if I had the encouragement for myself as well as my family members that I even discounted as not being just ADHD!

I just got lucky in my own trial and error early on enough to have a footing have you found yours? Make sure you have and those that you love so that fear of a doctor prescribing a medication is all you have to worry about and not of a few taking you as drug addict when they themselves need the same help!

If you stand up as I have done don't think it won't be considered by some as wrong but your children may not have to face that same idea that you were wrong from the start if you do stand up!

you might look bi-polar if you stand up one way or another but if you are then maybe it would work out okay I just hate the expression because that was made into a mountain in my life that has taken unusual actions on my part to prove as a bunch of crap but there I go! Lord thank god I'm just ADHD and recovering from depression from my fight and I hope your life turns out well enough that you can only count a couple of issues to worry about other than living life!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley
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