Monday, April 30, 2012

Journal Entry 043012-B: Medication Log Last Night:


Medication Log for last nigh.

1. 1- Clonazapam.
3/4 3mg Intuniv
1- equate sleep aid gel-cap.

Right now I am in withdrawals from trying to strech the Clonazapam to the 3rd and one hell of a major electronic warfare attack on me last afternoon. I still havent recovered. My left ear paining me and who knows about the right.

I want to move so bad from this house of horrors. I have the shakes so bad right now but coffee and nicotine helps.

I want to move from this house of horrors find a new place find a way to do more than write short notes about my own misery make a living and do so without my own father knowing what I am doing and God love him he may mean well but I just dont want he or anyone else screaming at me for anything!

This blog is my personal record and I dont care if he likes it or not.

I just want it written.

I have caught pure hell for eight years and I'm out of Clonazapam and the next few days will be hell.

I have to stop now.

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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