Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Journal Entry 061212-D: You know what depresses me and please don't hate me for it. We need you; The ADD, ADHD!


You know what depresses me?

I came home and wrote that last post and come back on my C-Spire Wire-Less "Smart-phone" to see advertisement's for "Detox and Re-hab Center's!

It breaks my heart!

I have seemingly no control over such a "national disgrace"!

People getting rich "stealing" lives from person's deserving of Doctor Amen's "three day" evaluation to determine their diagnosis. That information I hope he still publishes!

I want to see advertisement's for Shire products back on my site.

I want the "Art Institute" to advertise on my site!

I want to see other "educational opportunities on my site".

I want "career and small business" start-up opportunities on my site!

I want to see "family and Vacation" tourism advertising on my site!

Anything positive about having a "better life" by way of an education, career, business, entertainment at a tourist destination on my site so you and your loved ones can "go enjoy the fruits of your labor" so you can come home without fear of your world being turned upside down because you are ADHD, ADD, Driven and/or Love being "creative"!

I want you to come to Alabama and see a successful community of men and women that aren't depressed as "every-thing" that is "Holy because some well let's be nice- person in your life well turned it upside down and someone got paid to do it!

Please don't hate me because I am ADHD and Driven to success?

I had to say it someone has too!

I hope many feel as I do even at ninety-six!

My life seems a waste because I wasn't treated for ADHD as a child and had the opportunity too "shine"!

I'm trying to get past that.

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

The Southern Poverty Law Center. Montgomery, Alabama "Please send them my post and let them know where I Stand? Please Educate the Planet on the benifits of treatment for a life-time of success on ADD, ADHD Medication. Let them know Cliff sent you!

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