Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Concussions, Carbon dioxide poisoning, ADHD, losing your cool, ETC.

166  Jubilee Bridge, BandelImage by jcdl via Flickr

Concussions ignored because of Self-medication...............I am a recovering individual that once had it all!

Now I am trying to regain something in my life but that means nothing without some truth.

If you haven't read my page previously then you don't know what happened to me.

I had a wreck the afternoon of the 15th of September 2004 on the way home from working from can to can't worrying and preparing for a storm named Ivan.

I self-medicated for years with a medication that once was legal now is not or at least not without an added anti-histamine commonly found in Robitussin but okay for a cold it just doesn't interact well with my life-long condition now much worse because of a the concussion I suffered but was to Macho and determined to go home and finish my day by boarding my windows which may have been partially boarded but who knows all I know is my son had my truck and was south of me and I was almost home.

My lovely wife at the time and still my lovely wife now only my ex-wife of 19 years at the time but of 24 years at the time of our divorce last summer was on the NexTel with me trying to get me from where I live now and where she lives now.

I fell asleep. Had a single car wreck "thank God" and survived. I'd give God credit for saving my life but my "self-described" beleif in people in certain situations saved my life.

The whole thing get's to me 24/7/365 so let's just say I was on Pollard road in Daphne, Al. my normal path home or one of two or three the least traveled because I hate being stuck in traffic and like to take different routes. Hey, I'm ADHD in the first place and the medicine helps- but it's not a cure all!

Over the counter or not!

The bottom-line is I wonder sometimes if I should have gone to the hospital, called the police or just died right then because before that wreck I had very few times other than what is normal for a normal ADHD person to lose their cool.

If you do have occasion to use a generator near your home be it in a tropical, winter or other situation that requires ventilation make sure you keep the unit away from your house to prevent the fumes from collecting in side the home as we did the night of Ivan and thanks to my wife and children feeling ill it was moved because I myself for whatever reason did not pick up on the other physical and mental feelings that my family was feeling.  

Carbon Dioxide poisoning can, has and will kill you if you fall asleep in such a situation and don't know the part of the house the fumes you may or may not realize congregate until is too late! Too late is death okay!

Once I had that wreck and all Hell broke loose in a slow motion fall of my business I couldn't believe it! I was home-builder with all going my way except the prices and eventually the labor problems I guess we all had.

Another bottom-line is that if you get hit in the head two many times who knows what will happen too you!

Listen to Dr. Sanjay Gupta and maybe he'll let us all in on what happens to a as my wife once put it bascially a nice guy that is ignorant of what his true problem is once he get's hit in the head to many times and was self-medicating with ephedrine and begins trying to cope with not having the pure Ephedrine that is NOT exactly the same as "Pseudo" which should be and is the word defined of the day!

Definition: Pseudo (soo'do) adj. False:sham

No derogatory inference to SudaFed brand or Claritin brand medications and I have only used those as reference because I've tried everything known to man including ginkobiloba various vitamins and stimulants including food to focus, concentrate and otherwise pay attention to what needs attention.

Going to sleep is not my biggest concern except when I'm on one of those stimulants that does motivate the brain only keeps you awake!

Some stimulates as stated work for a short-time then put you too sleep or leave you miserable if you are truly ADD or ADHD!

God Help those of us when we die and go to heaven or get to the gate and ask if we can come in. That is when it is all going to get more interesting or you know that is my weak link but not in my faith just my knowledge.

I do know I should have lost my anger quicker and any of my friends will tell you that I don't or didn't hold grudges and maybe that is my problem or was; Damn who knows? God almighty and our savior which many have yet to know.

I am glad most of the time I missed the pecan trees or I would be dead and if you have had that experience and lived to tell about it you know what I mean if not I'm sorry for you and your families!

I do know your State and mine should be careful about what your problem is and not blame it on what it is not. Go figure that one out in my old posts.

Valerie your not a bitch but I'd be proud to be your son and called a SOB because toughness is a virtue every woman's man wants!

Here comes the ambulance and I hope they pass this time but next time I might need them because those old injuries just get worse- the physical ones okay! Oh well it was the fire Chief!

Don't ask don't tell. I mean it. Don't ask and God I hope I don't tell! An ADHD I think trait!

I hope you like the picture. Hell I hope none of my builder friends were involved! Look close and maybe that is the old foundation or heck maybe the project was moved over a few feet!

God Bless, Peace, love and knowledge!

-Floyd C. Wooley

P.s.- One question? I passed my test to become a licensed Home Builder in Alabama on the first try! I know the score but what percentage of people actually do that? Pass on the first try!

I'm proud of that because I was taking that crap I had to buy that had 200mg of something else in it that I didn't want as well as the fact that I studied as well as I ever have for any test and worked too but miserable!
You bet!

Call the Alabama Home Builder's Licensure Board in Montgomery, Al. @ 334--242-2230 and get a list of books. buy your books here or there if depending on the price! Have them send you a package: Tell 'em Cliff sent you!

I'd say call me but I don't answer the phone unless I know you as a customer, friend, builder or I'm on something "that works!

Just for Hell of it ask them if two houses a year is as good as 48 in two! Well I'm capable but they don't want me through default. I was licensed to the end 2005 to screw something up! Ask my customers there oughta be list somewhere but ask the first 60+ that should cover my best times. 

So e-mail me:

I'll tell you how to pass or wish you luck!
    Search for Experior books 

 *there are several other books you need but I either loaned them out to prove I was right or to help somebody or lost them so the next definition would take the whole dictionary. The home improvements for Dummies is a joke to me but might be helpful to someone!

Oh yeah my car the Caddy. I'm sorry to say it looks like somebody had a laugh at my expense!

*to all you out there that love seeing something begin from a wooded lot and have it come to fruition with a finished product that you can hand the keys over to the New owner with a smile on your face: "while remembering my original Pitch",
"We ask you to have everything in writing before we start construction so when we see each other in Wal-mart we can smile and shake hands and Not throw fruit at each other"!

Get licensed in your area "and go build something"!

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