Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Never give up on what you know is right although it may look wrong in the public eye. Why?


Life has those times that can seem to last a life-time where we as members of the human race have things in our lives that expose both our strengths and our weaknesses but if your intentions are on the right course and something more important is at stake don't let it destroy your goal of brining about a conclusion that is what is not only right but in the ends benifits you and millions like you or like you enough to say so in public!

The weaknesses may lead to ridicule and i told you so by your detractors and though they may seem many and have resources beyond your known control in the end the reason we cal ourselves a democracy is because even with a simple majority having the power to decide your, the nations and future generations fate many of those in the majority understand your plight as well as those as listed above through their own life experiences!

Some may be positive and some may be negative but it really boils down to private decisions and a few made made as groups that determine our fate as a nation a people and across the spectrum to even your own decision which is the most important overall decision made!

In the end what people in your life ultimately feel about you does have an impact on your life and depending on your goals one vs the other on a list i'm sure that can be long that feeling even if not a direct conclusion based on interaction under the normal course of a person's life effects you!

your friends, Neighbors and members of your community will ultimately decide one way or another if you are and have been sincere in what you are trying to acomplish so if you have a few set-backs and those mount for reasons that are made far beyond your control an introspective of yourself is most likely important and for goodness sakes that was an understatement I would think even the most maligned among us may ultimately come out the other side with our dignity and some self worth that is not of a financial state but if in any state other than a defeated and disgraced state even that measure of a person's life may be realized but not one by then you would feel is the most important due to the struggle and damage done and in some cases yes you can be in the area of the track you want to end life end with your accomplishments and relationships mostly repaired but at some point you have to come to the end and I'm not promoting a person being demoralized or even a nation to attain those goals!

Compromise that is of everyone's benifit although an ideal found to be difficult can lead to second chances.
That is if that is your goal but whatever your goal hold on to it and make it a part of your everyday living soul and try to eliminate your losses through weakness and follow some type of reasoning that keeps you as close to the golden rule as possible regardless of how it may be twisted by those that like to argue a point.

Now to some that may be called foolery! They may say your goal is not quite worth the fight but find the right data and a friend that hasn't got to be holding your hand to know the truth and you will eventually find many more of your thinking and those that may just have the heart to give you the beneifit of the doubt regardless of who, what where and when you have stood to win- and winning does not have to be a triumphant parade to be important but it doesn't have to be a time not of relief.

I would say in hang in there and be the person you are just as I said treat other's as you truly would want them to treat you and if you come up short but overall are the better of not being at all and have some measure of comfort in knowing your life was not a sham and was indeed a collection of success in more ways than not maybe your life will be an inspiration to others that have far more difficult fights to win!

Useless trivial opinion but the usefulness of trivia is to some may be the saving grace for another!

Once we leave this place maybe we've done something positive or at least something worth the journey after all!

That is some people's hope in a state of folly but not in some of our lives and our only hope is to not be undone by those that would distract from our journey and hope and dream to be a live when we leave this place emotionally and spiritually which is much more than many before us and many after us that were right on themselves.

I have some personal things i'm fighting for and the chance to be less of a burden and more of a positive influence has been jeopordized by the loss of privacy in ways you may find appaling or acceptable but in the end isn't that freedom through knowledge and our own control of destiny more important than not and isn't that the goal of us all?

If not then you may be in a better place but not in a better place to live which is just an opinion but when I can I want to do another trip to your place and if it was the pleasant visit such as I have had in other places too many to name I hope i won't find anything to complain about that I unfortunately have been a vgictim of on a few occasions only to look back and laugh at the memory and realize it was actually a nice trip and any trip is a vacation that is of your own choosing in life even if it is to the corner store coming from a person that used to drive a thousand miles a week or more that is quite a turnaround in my way of thinking in the first place!

God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge!

-Floyd C. Wooley








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