Please Read this post? Readers' I have some advice to give you may not like!
Readers,Friends, Neighbors and those I don't know personally,
Please take some advice from a stranger that has spent his whole life working to make his family happy with n idea what to do past the next week because I'm techno dumb and to top it off I didn't even pass a windows class I took in the late 80's!
Why should you listen to me? Because I've been down, I've been up and back down down again. The reason no planning! Only promoting!
I couldn't plan out on paper more than a six month budget in my personal finances and my 17 year-old second wife made one mistake and paid the furniture bill and not the Trailer bill! Damned if I didn't take the check book away and not in a mean way cause I love women and especially smart, sassy, confident, balls of energy just like me!
From that day forward I handled all the bills and keep in mind I was self-employed and had a salaried job! I've worked since I was 12 years-old trying to sell somebody something that "I could believe in from Bar B Q to mobil-auto & truck detailing after my dad got hurt on a job in 1985 to Becoming President of my Dad's Company Southern foundation Drilling Co Inc. after his accident to coming home from repairing the damaged equipment after the insurance companies fought over whom to blame when it was clear who that rest with and it paid big for my family at my Dad's health, life expectancy and more my Mother's miserable routine of having to help restore his scalp after it was removed in that terrible accident in December 1985- 6- years after he and my mother lost everything both business wise and financially after hurricane Frederic that hit Mobile, Alabama on September, 12 1979!
The only thing not damaged by that storm was his construction equipment he had just purchased one year earlier!
They lost a portion of their home, their prized 38' 1957
Chris Craft Constellation, The primary business that was recovering from an Interstate 10 by-passing them in 1976!
If you are Louisiana or Texas you remember that Interstate Ten opening over Mobile Bay and my family had the two Exxon Stations on the old Battleship Parkway. It took a few trips but you found us again but by that time the recessions of the early eighties had devastated our family by bringing the profit on gasoline down to a couple of pennies a gallon all that was left was a smaller (1) store on owned property whereas the Primary location was on leased State land and the State wanted all the profit leaving only an unfinished restaurant and a launching ramp that took in a 100.00 a day!
Not to mention my father had spent 20,000.00 in 1978 cash building a camp park on that location that was totally wiped away in September when for the first time the previous month it had been full to capacity for the first time!
I could go on.
I wanted a MBA from the University of Alabama in my dreams because I've always been ADHD and we didn't have computer games to captivate us then like we do now! ADD is hell but throw in my energy that is here it is just under-neath a little depression and you aren't going to finish a class in any school anywhere especially sitting at your home office online! Other options? NO! Learn from doing!
The ADD, ADHD way of the last few thousand years!
I have done it all and can still do it all thanks to ADHD treatment with a little more thrown in by my doctor to overcome some disappointments! Yeah you may think I'm weak but not as much as some might say!
The point is have your I's dotted and your T's crossed before you start a project that is why I had success in the Home-building field!
Reader's I learned from the best in that business after liking it so much as a child watching my Dad's seven year addition to our home or his timeless and priceless time spent getting that boat ready after working twelve to eighteen hours days and falling out ready to do it again the next day although as I later learned and should have picked up on he was as hard headed and bad about being late so much I almost got kicked out of the private school I went to in Mobile for being late every single day!
Call it Fatigue or ADHD but the bottom-line is we are so much alike we have a hard time finding time that only five years ago was a piece of cake to have!
If you are young- male or female! Make sure you are treated for that condition we call "not such a big deal"! Promise me that! Please! You'll still be a work-a-aholic but a more in tune one to say the least and if any more you are on the wrong regimen!
Please do this for me and you will make my life worth living! If not for my being so fast around their place and picking up bits of information from my parents I would have made nothing of my life.
If not for working for Charlie Dukes a former school teacher at Dobbins Homes then at Dukes Homes and him having taken the time as did my best friend Dan O. Garroway to let me find my way in their program and the blasphemy some call it of self medicating with what I am on now my life would have never meant a thing and too many people I delivered for those companies and my own Clients!
If I had the same doctor I have now a few months earlier I might even be with a girl that on July the 4th of this year and on a couple of other dates made me fall almost head over heals in love with her! If not for some details of what the aftermath of two more hurricanes have done to me I would most certainly have hugged her back when she last threw her arms around me! I miss her company and conversation greatly!
The reason for writing this story is that each and everyone of you should have one credit card you use to go on vacation each year and freeze the dang thing in the freezer the rest of the year if you have too because to get out of your place and go enlighten yourself will re-energize you immensely!
Find the right medication if you need it for ADD or God forbid ADHD because it is much harder to slow yourself down than it is to speed yourself up for some of us!
Take that vacation- Please!
I was 37 and my second wife 37 also before we could do that and it was no body's fault but our own!
We both were 32 when we bought our first home! Don't wait that long to do that and I know everything there is to know about how not to be unable to that!
I lost my Home-building license because I had no money, no lawyer to speak for me and no energy from working myself to death! Don't ever do that too yourself because- just because!
I have no idea how to link and be paid for anything you buy without having someone do something for me on an IUO!
Don't let that stop you!
Amazon.com and the other links are fantastic and some very well known companies! Buy something online and never forget what I said about buying a home and taking a vacation!
Your Children, Clients, family, and Co-worker's or Employees as they may be or even Contractor's will see the difference in you!
Live life to the fullest and never let anyone get control of your free-will! God will be there in ways you'll only know when it happens!
Enjoy your life, job and family in whatever order you see fit for your personality!
Plan ahead but do something on the spur of the moment that puts a smile on your face while you can! I plan to get back to that point in my life as I'm moving forward!
One more thing find charity that you believe in!
St. Judes saved my Friends Son's life!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless, Peace, Love and knowledge will take you places you want to be!
-Floyd C. Wooley
P.s.- I was tired but serious with this post!
Search Amazon.com for The patriot's almanac
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