Sunday, May 1, 2011

I have a dream! I hope not to offend but it applies as an addendum!


I have a dream that I would love to see us as Americans have that to my knowledge does not exist in this country which hurts me deeply that it isn't already a dream realized!

A place where people that have something that either they have used over the counter or otherwise could go for the short time it takes to get a short but thorough test that is able to determine if they are any of the following:

1.) ADD!
2.) ADHD!
3.) Depressed for whatever reason!
4.) PTSD- A. Caused by war-time!
                 B. Caused by personal trauma be it what it may!
5.) OCD
6.) REHAB Intervention by your loved ones and the community against your will for a drug as FDA website definition or NOT!
7.) Manic-Depressive!

A place that has all the comforts of homke but with no P.A. system only persons that Love and Care including the patients otherwise we most likely wouldn't be there!

No records on the internet, no ill-tempered drill sargeants and no reprisals- just a short 30 days at most for some people and you would have a diagnosis and if you were on the right medication to begin with and the governmernt having made what worked for 10 ten years prior to whatever miserable experience you have suffered since!

Let's include Alcohol because that can be controlled both in amount consumed and the possiblity if your prone to be quick tempered after a few drinks.

No sweat!

After Seven years of being attacked in my home by the haters: Costing me millions of dollars! For no good reason but to do the work of somebody at somebody's expense!

I had hoped for a different approach but unfortunately it got screwed up and twisted into the most skewed version of anything I've ever seen short of what it must be like to have been burned as a witch in Salem!

Maybe we can all get some privacy again! Verizon could you do us one more favor put a sticker that insures our freedom of movement  mind in the right place!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd C. Wooley

I hope some straight talk is what this country understands because I love it and it's people as well as having the ability to make the living of my choice which has been made to look like I couldn't handle that which is a lie and it could happen to anyone as I've stated in my posts!

Never expect family to be the right choice because they will kill you! There is probably something I missed but with all this talk going on where they shut up after I shut making me look like a fool only to change the tune after your out of what a doctor has prescribed you so you live in misery and without the abiltiy to make a living!


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