Friends worldwide please read this and understand I have a war going on and it would be lovely to have someone contact me that has had the same type assault upon their senses if you still have the technology to communicate with me.
I am using every ounce of my resources to live free, tell the truth, save the the ADHD world and give my family back what was taken away in a sneak attack although my wife said "Cliff there are people that have gone to one of our customers and have said they would run you out of Baldwin County! Months before I took her seriously and realized anyone would want to ruin my life.
My family on the other side "My father purchased and gave me cd's on how to deal with fear and I thought what did he purchase those for as well as he in fact told me that I should quit selling houses.
The bottom-line is this: I my friends was also told by my father that 10 years of taking mini-thins had ruined my life.
Fact is:
Why didn't he hand me a brochure from any ADHD manufactuer? I was only off track for a short time! The man that owned Metabolife could be my star witness as to what happened and why I should never have had to be in a position like I am now with people that have tried to make the idea of me being more than ADD, or ADHD and Depressed so that my posts would not be as they should be and as positive as Ty Pennington's message where he doesn't have to talk about the medicine he talks about the projects or works on projects that speak for themselves with teams that have a local builder that I damn well should know very well considering the tie's our families have!
Why would this contiue to be the big deal it is too me if I weren't telling you the truth? Why would I have to actually read or listen to a CD on "Fear or Anxiety" when I write to the world and tell them this story without fear?
Answer: To let you know that no matter who you are and where you may be that to not medicate for ADD, ADHD or Depression may be the worst possible thing you could ever do and that depression?
You most likely wouldn't be depressed if you had medicated 1st and not with all hell raining down on you in a propaganda attack that rivals none I have ever seen in your home, office and what should be an open and thriving store!
I have saved my silver bullet for this post before I fall off into a week of depression followed by what should be the ability to come out of it with or without ADHD medication but the ADHD is the original and most important item on the list that should be medicated each and every day so that I as a person can have the chance to meet my goals and have back what was once larger than it would be Today.
I would love to take those piano lessons I always wanted too. Maybe auto-cad as well or finish my licensing to inspect home through the U of A. I was scoring well by not cheating the on-line course book when I had Shire's product but it is hard to meet any of your goals with artillary shell falling all around you which in my case to clarify are more like audio leaflets to surrender or die!
I wonder what the populace of our enemies have been able to produce in plant that were so loud they most likely were thinking in WW II "God I hope hear the Air-raid siring before the bombs hit and blow me to pieces and I never see my family again since this leaflet probably is from the country that treats you better than the SOB that came to house with a gun and said be on the line or die!
So I want to pay my sales tax what little have and live free again so I can preach the gospel of "never give up never surrender" so no one has to fight this ADHD war or drug war or lets get to rehab real quick and destroy our life before someone else gets the chance to put us there on house arrest til we die from not being able to have the same inspiration as "Extreme Makeover" does give so many.
I would love to see more people come out of the closet on that premise so people like myself would have the ability to speak the truth and not be led down a path that if they don't take would have left them disabled even if it were only just by 25% at least.
The other tracer fire and rubbish that my family has added to this story was once admonished to us by a well that thought would be have to be left right where it is "the one I just was about write" that is an ADHD person's most likely way of dieing and that is to tell the truth about the wrong subject which they don't know as the truth only the chance by percentage which is 50/50.
I may be led astray on a subject in the isolation of the last few years and each time I leave and come back I feel the most relief because the world as a whole lives in a free and at times open discussion and when you visit my store you do me tremendous good if you aren't the one sent in to tell me to NOT open a business now because times are bad because I know that is not always the time to quit.
I am sorry I couldn't have finished the last post and it was noticed when I printed it even under assault- For God's sakes my friends in the media don't allow the lie to perpetrated that people may take as the truth that a person can't be successful on a pill.
I was and then I was led astray but only under pressure that would make any man fall but I just try to live long enough to see someone offer openly a system that builds "Will power" in short period of time that would make it possible for many of us to take a short break before it is years later and we are still being milked of our inheritance!
There are so many people working to have a something to pass on to their families that includes the Chapter that is more like Senator McCain's taking a air wing and working it to the point all the planes flew for review when no one said it was possible even if one had the wheels down- Damn-it!
President Clinton you didn't leave the White House until your time was up and your hair was much grayer than once you when elected and I understand why. I truly do because when you are constantly attacked you will work against all odds not to give up the ship and remain at the helm and be a little testy afterwards because I've been impeached and all that but I have yet to be run out of this county!
They may haul me out dead or alive to shut me up but I'll be damned if it will be for giving up trying to help this country return to what you were able to work out and make happen by being brilliant enough to negotiate and surround yourself with people of the same mind.
Senator McCain your book that I only began to read once I got back on the medication that helped me sit and enjoy a little reading was givin to me at a time that I was under the extreme pressure of building a business but I was perfectly capable of reading the damn book if I had the time and thank you to my ex-wife Valarie for buying it for me so I could confirm with it's reading of my admiration for you!
Admiral Denton's book is on that list of books to read as well when I get a business running on these medications from Shire US and if you want to know the truth if they make the damn medicine I wind up with after two days being bombarded in a test of wills I won't know how effective they are for me until someone thinks enough of me to shut off the test of wills program and says peace man let's work together to see if you deserve to have that fourth chance in life you have fought long and hard to have!
I made them work for me by controlling the dosage through trial and error something I wish no one would have to suffer through or I would advocate they be available again. In fact I do advocate them being sold in small quantity's with a public service announcement to see your doctor if they give you any ability to work for anything other than Asthma! Off-label yeah you damn right. Lord I've been conditioned to feel every word is a sin and every thought is not mine and every attempt to save my life is in vain and that my life doesn't matter well it does to most people each one so that they can improve the live's of their families not be punished for every move they make because hell I'm not superman but I have- Damn dog! Oh not mine. The one that just barked somewhere else well how many years of abuse on you does it take to break a man?
I don't know but hail Shire and call me to let me know I'm not a fool for trusting you if you have had one patient harassed as you advertised and if not you that advertised it then God sue the bastard's!
The one caller putting down the one I called what if it were a small minority that claimed to be the majority that did that to anyone in the even phone book that broke the bonds of privacy?
That is why I called and why did I wok 5 days straight to get on the internet? To do what I'm doing now and to finish a post properly and advertise these companies that have so graciously responded until I raise the capital to have their products in my shop for the person on the go!
I'm finished until someone comes up with a better more compassionate way of treating someone and allowing them to be what they are. As my son just said you need to go to work. Well my pride is to do and work my plan at all costs because freedom depends on it if I have to die of old age supporting it with all my effort!
He doesn't understand so don't hold it against him because he wasn't allowed to ride with me and learn a life lessons of how much enjoyment we get out of doing what we love!
My oldest son did ride with me and my brother-in-law didn't only because I was under much more pressure to have him on another course but I know he would have been right there with me like in the picture on Facebook!
One night in Jackson Al. with no pressure to answer a Nextel we slipped and slid through the mud in my GMC Sierra to get something done and laughed the whole damn time while working in the dark and cold not to mention again wet conditions.
Man What else could I ask for than that life back?
I now have so many people either trying to tell me I was crazy then and now or trying to get me out and about but this message is more important because in a few weeks without anything that will do much more than keep me from climbing the walls well that's confusing as hell so ask me to lay it out or just give someone in your life a chance to prove themselves and defend the right to Peace and quiet!
Please don't advocate any testing except that which can be done in a few minutes or a couple of days out patient and don't give people hell unless they really deserve it based on real documentation from your superior not as volunteer that has no idea of what is in a person's heart!
I have worked hard to make money and please God let's get this out to the world!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
Ask Hugh Hefner use it in his magazine just as I just wrote!
Welcome to my blogs! I hope you will find something Interesting and Visit my Retail Store in Fairhope, Alabama- Battleship Marine! SEC gifts will be Featured on this page with Nautical gifts featured on the gulf Coast Girls Page and your business, service or item for-sale on the Let's Buy or Sell page with of course Marine Hardware, Trailer Parts and Engine parts featured on the Battleship Marine page. I'll Reminiscence on the Classic page and Coastal page!
Floyd C Wooley
Floyd C. Wooley Enterprises
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
To make money or not! It's hard to do anything under an artillery attack!
Posted by
Battleship Marine
5:38 PM
Adderall XR,
freedom of speech,
President Clinton

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